#tcw cody


it’s been a min since I’ve been here But Cody plus a kama would have been Too Powerful .WIP

(On a side note, I absolutely wish Work would stop eating all my energy, so I could work on somehow those thighs look devastatingly indecent in that armor)


The 254th

Viper (CT-2472): The commando of the 254th, dubbed thanks to his tactical strategies that bring down their opponents in one calculated strike. He is the Dad of the squad, always making sure that every order his troopers carry out is something he is willing to do himself. Every week he and Rex sit down with spotchka to cry about all the shit their troops do and also have an unspoken War Crime Competition™️ between the 254th and 501st.

After the issuing of Order 66, he becomes a cold, strategic captain with an unbendable will.

Fang (CT-2411): Viper’s second in command, biggest fan, or both. He prefers a good ol’ vibroblade over blasters, and when he’s in action, his yellow blades look akin to those of a viper’s fangs, hence his nickname. Between him and Viper, their enemies have no chance of escaping their tactical death grip.

When his captain ends up fully committing to the Empire, Fang finds himself looked up to in the leadership position. He is constantly reminded of his former captain and closest brother, Viper, and in order to do good by him, Fang holds himself responsible to take good care of what remains of his squad.

Flanker (CT-2424): Your local flanking scum who is always happy to deal low blows to bring an enemy down, most often seen with Ghost. Hide your husbands, hide your wives, because this man will snatch up all available hearts.

Ghost (CT-2457): He is always working together with Flanker, flanking enemies and taking down their defense. He melts into the shadows like nobodies business, often spooking his brothers. Flanker once found out that he had a ‘diary’ (“It’s a journal!!”) and will never let him live it down. Enjoys dicking around with Cody.

Solar (CT-1511): Flirty flashbomb lover, need I say more?

Ok I will say more. Solar is always competing with Flanker for the number of heads they can turn with their charms, always trying to get others to swoon. They’re favorite target is General Kenobi and Cody hates them for it.

Click: The sniper, and frankly he’s a cocky one, whenever he’s going to shoot an enemy he’s sure he’ll kill in a single shot, he clicks his tongue before pulling the trigger.

Tic: Explosives expert and enthusiast, often saying tick tock as he bombs things or defuses said bombs.

Stims (CT-0702): Always has stimpacks, the local Mom of the team. He runs on caf exclusively during missions, but actually prefers the taste of tea. Best friends with Kix, they bond over getting mad at their teammates always getting unnecessarily hurt.

Hazard: Is he a menace to his allies, or to the enemy? No one can agree on it since he brings just as much hazard to his brothers as well as to their opponents.

Anchor (CT-1125): knows his way around ships, your local hardware guy. He designed and built the Fire Raven.

Crossfire: The lad always seem to be stuck in the worst possible position during battle, it’s a wonder he’s still alive. Between him and Hazard, they have pulled off so many close shaves the 254th has stopped counting. Crossfire actually dislikes being associated with Hazard, as the latter is ‘the bumbling idiot’ while he’s merely in the wrong place at the wrong times.

Fox: god, sometimes I just wanna put a bullet right through the Chancellor’s head

Cody: …isn’t it your job to defend him with your life?

Fox, leaning back in his chair and sipping a margarita: yeah, and what of it?
