#tdi courtney


TD redesigns, who should I do next?

TDWT Remake AU: Broadway Baby!/ Slap Slap Revolution Part 4

Geoff and DJ share a canoe:


Meanwhile Bridgette and Courtney:


Total Drama Island Episode 8: Up the Creek

Part 2

That moment when your ship started to sail

Total Drama Island Episode 6: The Sucky Outdoors

Total Drama Island Episode 4: Dodgebrawl

I once read a Total Drama FF in an Italian DxC blog that still remains one of the most beautiful I’ve ever read (and like, I’ve read quite a lot of fanfics), but I can’t find it anymore, and it makes me SO SAD bc I’d kill to read it again. Btw, it took place some time later World Tour, Courtney and Heather became best friends and went to live together, and they were supporting each other and made the best girl squad ever. The thing was, Courtney was pregnant with Duncan’s child but didn’t say anything and she was kinda of taking care of the matter alone (but with Heather). And like, one day Duncan comes in town and you know how it goes, they meet again, but she’s still hurt and he’s still with Gwen, and then there’s this really beautiful part where one night Heather takes Courtney in a bar for a girl night out but something happens with Duncan(I don’t really remember what) and later Courtney is in the empty bar basement (that is…like, private club I think?) playing the piano and singing ‘Just be Friend’ by Vocaloid (thing that I found out later because I got in vocaloid some years late and I finally connect the dot between Luka’s song and that Italian cover I found in the fic)

That was crazy.

I need to find it again because my 11 years old self was in love with that fic and I’m so curious to see what I could think about it after 9 years!
