#total drama gwen

DRSS: Gwen-Ultimate PoetGwenUltimate Talent: Poet-She’s greatly known to be called the greates

DRSS: Gwen-Ultimate Poet


Ultimate Talent: Poet

-She’s greatly known to be called the greatest and most influential literary genius of our time. Her fame first began at the age of 9 when she submitted her first poem and won in a city wide art contest. Then she created a mass fortune with her talent when she started publishing her poems at the age of 13, which were soon adapted to films that became cult classics. The way she structures each line and masterfully capitalizes on her word choices, causes her reader to enter in a trance-like state and transport them into the world that her poems created. The way she’s able to make her world and the inhabitants feel so real is because she usually stands far from a distance and stare at everything that goes around; the changing environment, people’s reactions and interactions, the behavior of animals, and even to the slightest shifts in the wind. She observes and studies everything, she would even go as far as to act out as other people or things in order to understand their perspectives, all so in order to capture and understand the pure essence of life.

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Dramaronpa: Star Struck- Gwen Reveal“………………”*s

Dramaronpa: Star Struck- Gwen Reveal


*stares quietly more* “…..mmm.”

(What’re you doing you dumbass! Don’t just stand there, try to introduce yourself already! You’ll be entirely alone forever if you just stand there awkwardly without saying a word. Anything, ANYTHING AT ALL!!)

(No…Wait! Calm down, just blurting out random crap will just isolate yourself even further. Besides it’s not entirely your fault that there’s this awkward silence, she hasn’t tried to talk to you at all, instead she glued herself to that journal that she has and not looked at you once. In fact this entire time, all I ever saw her do up to this point is looking at that book and writing stuff down. What’s her deal?)

(Oh wait! I remember her now, I covered her once in one of my videos when I was dying for content. She’s Gwen, known to be called the greatest and most influential literary genius of our time. I dug up quite a bit to understand her past, and I gotta say that she lives up to the title.)

(At the early age of 9, with no cultural literary background at that point, submitted her first poem in a city wide art contest where all ages were applicable. Despite the diverse competition, not only did her SINGLE submission won and beat out all other entries in every category, but the major of the city personally came to congratulate and hand out her prize in the flesh. It’s been said that when the major heard about Gwen’s poem and read it, he was in such awe of its beautiful words that his body completely seized up as his eyes started flooding the room like a raging waterfall. His was still in tears when he arrived to meet with Gwen. Several NEWs channels went on to cover the story of this upcoming prodigy.)

(Since then, Gwen jumped ahead in life and built a fortune for herself when she started publishing her work at the age of 13. She releases poetry books that’s been sold in the millions in different parts of the globe. I remember that she made even more dough when her work reached the hearts of the film industry and had her work be adapted to movies, which later won renown academy awards. She’s so influential that to this day, her work is being dissected and studied in classes for modern schools and private institutions.)

(I looked through hundreds of reviews for her books and they all say that after reading the first few words of each line, they were in a trance and felt that they were immediately transported to that poem’s world. I personally never looked into her books because if all the reviews say are true, then I world be scarred for life if I read a single poem.)

(Despite her massive popularity and everyone adoring her literary work, all of her poetry books covers limited and grim themes/genres; tragic romance, crude violence, unfair fate, unstable relationships, fake personas, and of course her most known, traumatic horror. It doesn’t really entice me to read it further when each and every single one of her poems are parred with their own shock art drawings, that she makes herself, that further enhances the experience and atmosphere of her work.)

(Other than that, there wasn’t any other juicy stuff going on around her, well if you don’t count some of the weird theories and speculations about her from some random online threads. Some say that she possesses the dead spirits of famous poets and authors to write for her, there’s some say that she’s a witch and that her poems are actually spells that casts illusions that makes her work more interesting, and others say that her books are actually cursed and the only way that it could be lifted is to purchase and read her entire series.)

(Obviously these are exaggerated, but I did include this stuff in my video about her because I wanted to make it more captivating, and it was. But now, I do occasionally see glimpses of her whispering to herself and talk almost like completely different people whenever she’s alone, so I guess the stories aren’t too crazy.)

(Though I gotta say that for someone that writes stuff that could make a onion cry in fear and shits itself, I thought that they would look like their work, messed up and deformed. But things are different now.)

(I mean, when I looked at her photo from back then I didn’t think much of her…but looking at her now, up close and in person…She’s so…so……sooo…..)



(OH SHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said that OUT LOUD!!!!! Nice going you HORNY DICKHEAD!!! QUICKLY!!! Recover! Recover! Recover!)

*clearing up throat*

*cracked/shaky voice* “ThIS OcEan ViEw iS sO…SeXY!…IT JuSt..TakeS youR BrEaThE AwAY…AnD Makes yoU FeELS so……HotTt?

(……..Nailed it)

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