


Chester is a whole ass mood. I too only come into the physical realm to bitch and complain


the original girlboss of the century ❤️

This is a new version of my TD characters sexualities bc I rewatched it and I changed my mind on a couple of things

Chris is the embodiment of being gay and homophobic

Chef is gay

Beth is straight in my opinion, I know I said she was my pan child but I rewatched the show and she just doesn’t give me that vibe + I don’t like her that much anymore so… yeah

DJ is still my gay child, I’ll do everything for him and his two mums; TDWT did him dirty

Gwen is still the goth bisexual queen; for my own sake I’ll ignore what the writers did with her and act like the kiss never happened and you should do the same; her and Duncan should’ve remained friends, case closed drive safely 

Geoff is giving me bisexual vibes

Lindsay is either bi or pan, but I’ll go with pan; she was robbed, I’m telling you, ROBBED

I’d say that Heather is a lesbian, but since aleheather is my ride or die ship, I’ll say that she’s bi

Duncan is just giving me bi vibes, maybe bi with a preferance for women, but bi nonetheless

Tyler is a chaotic bisexual; just watch his first interaction with Alejandro and you’ll understand

I see Harold as straight, but I could be wrong

Trent is my bi child; they did him dirty in TDA, he deserved so much better

Bridgette is pan; she is my second favourite character and I’ll not argue on that; this girl was robbed, I’m still mad about it

Noah remains our sarcastic gay pal, he’s probably ace as well and most likely in a relationship with Owen

I want to say that Leshawna is a lesbian but I’ll say she’s bi; I love her and her elimination in TDI was stupid

Sadie and Katie are lesbian girlfriends, try to change my mind

Ezekiel is aroace, I don’t have an explanation for that, he just is

Cody is a bisexual king, I also see him as a trans boy

Eva is a raging lesbian, she has a special place in my heart

Owen is our chaotic bisexual king but we all know that; it was made very clear from the first episode

Courtney is yet another chaotic bisexual; I can see her and Gwen getting together after the show

I think Justin is aroace

Izzy is pan in my opinion

Alejandro is just really bisexual, you can argue with the wall

Sierra is bi with a preferance for men (Cody)

Jo is our hardcore butch lesbian; I’m pretty sure I had a crush on her when I watched TD as a child, should’ve told me something sooner 

Scott is ace and maybe bi but with a preferance for women

Zoey is a chaotic pansexual queen, she is my child, even though I feel like putting my hands around her neck ever so often for some of the stupid stuff she does but anyway

Mike is most likely bi with a preferance for women; as for his alters, Vito is a pansexual mess, Svetlana is a raging lesbian, Mal is a they/them aroace brat, Chester is just… Chester and I don’t even know what to say about Manitoba Smith so…

Lightning is so gay, he’s most definitely best friends with Jo bc lesbian/jock solidarity; he probably takes Jo to buy clothes and gives her fashion advice; I mean, just look at him, this guy has a super bowl champion father and trophy wife mother, you can NOT tell me that he doesn’t dress well and take care of himself religiously 

Brick is yet another gay man; and a bottom

B is aroace, maybe even a trans man

Dawn is my favourite character from the whole thing so I’m probably projecting this but she is unlabeled, but if it would be to put a label on herself it would probably be pansexual, cuz she doesn’t give a frick about gender, she just loves

Dakota is bi with a preferance for men

Anne Maria is either really bi or really straight, no in between

Staci is probably straight but idk

Cameron is my aroace child

Sam is giving me bisexual vibes

I won’t do the whole Pakitew Island cast bc I haven’t rewatched it and I’m not really planning on it but I do have some opinions about some of the characters so…

Scarlett is a raging lesbian

Topher is gay

Jasmine is bi and so is Shawn

I like to say that Max is aroace, maybe a they/them or he/they as well but idk

Samey is a chaotic bisexual, lesbian could also work

Ella is yet another lesbian, she could also be bi but I’m going with lesbian

Special mentions to Brody who I personally see as pan and also in a poly relationship with Geoff and Bridgette

and also, Josee is a lesbian

Some TD gorls I did yesterday


my 4th grade obsession with Scott is rising again
