#tea kettle
















which one of u was going to tell me that tea tastes different if u put it in hot water?

y- you were putting it in cold water?????

Radish. Answer the question radish.

yeah??? i thought for like. 5 years that ppl just put it in hot water 2 speed up the tea-ification process didn’t realize there was an actual reason

You dont have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes???

[ID: Tags reading “u think i have the patience to boil water wtf ?????” /End ID]

why are you. putting it in the microwave to boil it

Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove

Its takes less than a minute

Bestie is ur stovetop powered by the fucking sun

How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove

Like seven minutes

Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat n it boils in like two minutes… less than that is u use a saucepan…

Crying you’re putting the whole mug on the stove ???? On medium heat???? Ur stove is enchanted

Every single person in this post is a fucking lunatic

this thread has alerted me to the fact that americans do not, in fact, use kettles and i think this is the last straw for me

i’ve given up on this timeline beam me up scotty i’m done

The kyusu tea pot (bottom left) my best friend ordered for my birthday last month finally arrived! It’s made of celadon and was shipped all the way from Japan! My family got me the tetsubin kettle and sasa tea cup (top), and while I was rummaging through the cabinet, I found that cute little mug (bottom right) to really tie it all together! 

Also, I laid them out on my tarot cloth, since the green goes so perfectly with them. Once I feel a bit better, I’m going to make tons and tons of tea! I think the first one I’ll make will be some mint tea, then I’ll try my hand at blending some of my magical herbs together for a tea to help me with a healing magic spell or a divination. Stay tuned!

igormag: Aleksandr Konstantinovich Bogomazov (1880–1930), Tea Kettle, ca. 1914.oil on canvas, 49.5 x


Aleksandr Konstantinovich Bogomazov (1880–1930), Tea Kettle, ca. 1914.
oil on canvas, 49.5 x 45.5 cm

Post link



[ID: photo of a kitchen with a teakettle and enamel pot on the stove and a cat watching intently. The backsplash is patterned tile. End ID]
