#tea posts


Last time I posted was in February! It’s already May which means it’s almost summer break! Things have been hectic with moving, spring semester and finals but I think I have enough time to spare to write and post! I will also be working on cross-posting things on Ao3 as well.

I’m not sure why people are still following the blog because it’s been ages but thank you so much for following? tgwltw has reached 4000 followers and thank you! 

It’s been over three months since I last posted anything here and I’d like to say I have a very good excuse for this (and it is what it is - an excuse!). I forgot my password for this and then I forgot my email’s password so I couldn’t log in to my email to get a new password!

But enough of my excuses, I don’t know if I will actually ever come back to writing but since 2019 is coming, I think I should put more effort and be committed to something and see to it until the very end! 

I will also be posting the rest of my works at my AO3 account (here). 

With that being said, since 2019 is literally around the corner so I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
