#team m

Title: The Haunting of Hatake KakashiTeam M: Writer - HazelBeka  Artist - @aratriboRating: TeenTags:

Title: The Haunting of Hatake Kakashi

Team M: Writer - HazelBeka  Artist - @aratribo


Tags:Anbu Hatake Kakashi, seals master Iruka, Found Family, Superstitions, Haunted Houses, Grief and Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Genderqueer Character, Dysphoria, dark themes, Queer Themes, messy queer kids vs trauma, maybe the real ghosts are the friends we lost along the way

Summary: It’s been a year since Iruka unmasked the ANBU Hound, and since then he and Kakashi have grown closer than Iruka ever dared to dream. But there are still things Kakashi keeps from him: he won’t talk about his father or his genin team, although rumours about their deaths have always been rife.

Iruka’s chance to learn more finally comes when they celebrate Obon together – the summer festival of the dead. One sweltering night, they invite the spirits of their loved ones into Kakashi’s home, but on the second night, when they try to send them back to the underworld, something goes wrong. The dead still linger in Kakashi’s house – and they’re restless.

All Iruka has is a handful of seals, a book of ghost stories, and his feelings for Kakashi, which burn so brightly he’s starting to question their nature. But he will protect Kakashi and no one can stop him – not the living or the dead.  

CW: mental health issues & trauma, dysphoria, dark themes

 Click to read this KakaIru Big Bang fanfic on AO3!

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