

Back from my unintentional hiatus and livid

I want my religious terms off the LGBTA+ wiki (I’ll explain why), and from this point on I do not want anything I coin added to it. I deeply regret coining terms through the wiki and will be recoining IphisianandTeiresian to remove them from the wiki.

The Dionysian Gender System, including Maedic, Thyrsoan, and Satyrian can remain on the wiki if they are not altered past this point, except for a note visible on the pages. The contents of the note will be at the bottom of this post.

So, for those confused, hi. I’m Crow. I assume you already follow me, but if you don’t know, I’m a Hellenic Polytheist and this is my religious blog. I have coined five-six religiogenders through this blog and the LGBTA+ wiki (where I am Localcorvid), all relating to my personal experience of Hellenic Polytheism and worship. All were coined at times I identified with them, though now I only really define myself as Iphisian and Maedic out of the set.

I am not a MOGAI blog. I want to make that clear. The coining of those genders through this blog were because of their specific ties to my religion. That is the main reason I’m so, so angry.

So, let me quickly copy my definition of Iphisian: “Ihpisian is a gender for Hellenic Polytheists who are AFAB transgender. The gender is also oriented towards, but not exclusive to, worship of Aphrodite, Hera, and Isis (Egyptian).” *Note: I have personally modified the definition as the coiner, but in fairness, this is what I originally coined it as. It has evolved into a term for AFAB transgender, transmasculine, and transgender lesbian Hellenists.

What I’m fucking pissed about is the flag they added. Which I’m not showing. Because it’s attributed to an agnostic non-polytheist cisgender girl.

And Teiresian? A term that I coined as “a gender for Hellenic Polytheists who are bigender, AMAB transgender, and/or genderfluid … oriented towards worship of Apollon, Hermes, or Hera”?

They added a flag made by an agnostic catholic. At least he was intramasculine (trans), but still.

These terms are religious. I don’t know how to stress that enough. They are religious terms, religious genders. They are tied to my theoi, who I love with my entire heart. They are devoted to my patrons. These are my gods.

And I don’t know how to explain that I don’t want cis agnostics making flags for my transmasculine lesbian Hellenist terms! I don’t know how to explain I don’t want agnostic ex-catholics making a flag for a term related to devotion to Hera!

My religion is open, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t violently disrespectful. The terms were explicitly not open. Those flags weren’t for outsiders to make, period.

So I want those terms down, right now. And if I ever coin another religiogender or sexuality, do not put it on the damn wiki. I give consent for @ezgender to put my terms on the Ezgender wiki, and as of right now that is the only one they’re allowed to go on.

@official-lgbta-wiki, take my terms down, except for the Dionysian Gender System. My note is as follows:

On October 24, 2021, the coiner koraki-pharmakis posted a statement to faer Tumblr blog stating that fae no longer wanted faer terms on the LGBTA+ wiki due to members disrespecting closed religious terms and the wiki’s lack of adequate moderation and respect for coiners. Fae allowed that the Dionysian Gender System, including Maedic, Thyrsoan, and Satyrian, remain on the site with the requirement that this message be attached and that no flags or symbols created by individuals who were not Hellenist Dionysos worshippers be added to the page.

If you don’t post the note, I expect my gender system to also be removed.

Blatantly disrespecting marginalized religions is never a good look, and your moderation should not be so terrible that this is allowed to happen to me and dozens of other coiners.
