



so the difference between Uk ghosts and US ghosts is that UK ghosts can orgasm and US ghosts cant 

op i just realized this was about the show “ghosts” and you werent making a taxonomic call

Instead of getting myself all wound up thinking I need to write sizable, researched posts for my all cosplays–then being reminded of my executive dysfunction and difficulty expressing myself with words–then ending up with a big old backlog of unshared cosplays–I’m going to try and commit myself to posting without overthinking everything. Let’s agree to not talk about whether that counts as a sentence.

In the spirit of unwinding, here’s my closet cosplay of that flashy girl from Flushing with style and flair, Fran Fine from The Nanny(1993-9). I don’t quite have the amazing, hyper-fashionable wardrobe Fran does, but I attempted one of her classic silhouettes from season two: a brightly-colored mini-dress over a turtleneck and tights. Then a little evening Fran look.

Annnd the rest of the set: BELOW THE JUMP!
