#tell me your opinions

So I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once tha

So I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.

Once that one is finished, I figured I’d ask you if you have a preference over what story should be translated next. So here’s some quick summaries of the stories, if you are interested in one or more of them, do tell me. I’ll take your opinions into account while deciding the next story.

There are 5 stories in every book, including 5-7 ministories, which I’ll be posting randomly.

Book 1:

Chapters 1-3 are translated properly on the internet somewhere, I won’t be telling you about them. Google them if you haven’t read them yet.

Chapter 4: Treasure hunting with Vivi and Law, featuring Gedatsu and Caesar Clown. It also has an obligatory bathhouse scene with the Strawhats, uhm, admiring Laws tattoos.

Chapter 5: Some sort of Power rangers mash up with Bad Guy Shanks(cosplaying a crab) and his crew. Usopp cosplays Kizaru and Chopper cosplays Senor Pink. Crocodile regrets being a part of this story.

Book 2:

Chapter 6: Davy Back Fight with Foxy, but this time he has Law and Cavendish on his side. Law briefly has a sailor moon wig on and Monster trio has afros.

Chapter 7: Zoro gets so damn lost and ends up in Rusukaina. For some reason he knows how to do Ivankov’s Death Wink. Caribou is there. We get to find out if Hancock’s Mero Mero Mellow works on Zoro. (it doesn’t)

Chapter 8 & 10 are actually already translated by the wonderful @dragon6125 ​, go check them out if you’re interested.

Chapter 9: Bartolomeo the fanboy gets to visit Thousand Sunny. Lots of tears, snot and wonderful fanboying.

Book 3:

Chapter 11: Adventure in Drum, feat. Vivi and Law. Includes Law pouting, Wapol being a dork and Vivi and Nami saving the day. Bepo is present.

Chapter 12: Garp dresses ASL trio in marine uniforms and they play some form of (violent) tag in the forest. Dadan is funny.

Chapter 13: Adventure in mermaid island feat. Carrot. Sanji gets arrested.

Chapter 14: Obligatory beach episode. Volleyball, barbeque and fanservice, as per usual. Zoro continues to ignore the existance of directions.

Chapter 15 is currently being translated.

Book 4:

Chapter 16: Usopp infiltrates the marines. Involves lots of Japanese jokes(Tsukkomis and Bokes).

Chapter 17: Obligatory swimming pool episode feat. Miss Goldenweek, Mr.3, Miss Valentine, Mr.5 and Dorry & Brogy. Has scenes of Law riding on Luffys shoulders and Law wearing a gorgeous swimming cap and goggles.

Chapter 18: A Karate Kid parody with Zoro being Karate Kid and Mihawk is Mr. Miyagi. Training stuff on Mihawks island feat. Perona.

Chapter 19: A treasure hunt with Law feat. Smoker and Hina. Sabo and Ace threathen Law, and Law carries Luffy on his shoulders. Ace and Sabo threathen Law some more.

Chapter 20: Luffy, Zoro, Cavendish and Bartolomeo are all handcuffed to each other and they have to fight Vergo and Monet. Rebecca tries to help, but those morons are beyond all help.

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