#one piece party



i just started reading op party poor traffy


This is so cute, can someone please draw him with the crab hat


 From book 3, second ministory

Luffy: Move, Grandpa!!

Garp: I’m a marine! If you want me to move, you’ll have to kill me!

Ace: Luffy, Gramps!

Garp: If you don’t do it, Ace will die!



Luffy & Garp:Snooore

Sengoku: Huuh? Falling a sleep at a time like this!?


Sengoku:You too?!

At the same time:

Sabo & Dragon:Snooore

Koala: Sabo-kun?! Why did you so suddenly- Huuh?! Dragon-san as well?!

Final part is finally here. 


(There’s a lot of hidden cameo characters, try and see if you can spot them)

Lufranky, Usomi & chobin: Taank~ Taank~ Suuuper tank~

Franji: Ah, There’s the village!

Lufranky: Eeeh?? There’s so many people!


SFX: Chatter chatter

Usomi: Finding Traffy from this place is going to be difficult..

Franji: Should we try asking around?

Lufranky & Chobin: Ooii Traffyyy!!


Nababrook: Wait up! I have an idea!


Nababrook: We will definitely catch Traffy!


There is a bunch of commemoration coins on the ground

Nababrook:Traffy’s hobby is to collect commemoration coins! This’ll catch him!


Lufranky:This brings me back! When we were children we used to catch tree sparrows like this, but with acorns!

acorn acorn acorn acorn

Usomi: Yeah! I never managed to catch any though..

Chobin:Ah! Someone’s coming! Everyone, hide quickly!


Roffy: Chopper.. You aren’t hiding at all..

Everyone:Huuh?! He actually came..!


Everyone:He didn’t notice us at all..

Nababrook: Now!! Yes, we caught him!!

Usomi & Sanzo:E-easy..

Law:Tch.. Such a clever trap..



※ They have returned to their own bodies

Nami: Traffyy.. How could you do this..

Luffy: Traffy! It was quite fascinating to be in the Robot body! I am very grateful that you allowed me to try it!

Zoro & Sanji: Don’t be grateful when your style of speaking is still messed up.


Nami:Can’t you imagine what awful things could happen if you’re not in your own body? You too could end up in a lot of trouble if you were in a wrong body and ran into the wrong person..

Nami: Like Dof-

Law:Yes! It was my mistake!! 


Law: My bad, I won’t do it again..

Nami: For example Dofla-

Law: I’m so incredibly sorry!! Forgive my actions!

Nami: Well, if you change bodies with Duval, we’ll forgive you <3


Duwal: Once again, I am incredibly handsome!! Get me a camera!


Underling: Okay, handsome!!

Duwal: Rosy life riders!!

Heart pirates:STOOOOOOP!!

Nami: So refreshing..

Link to part 1

Link to part 2

Link to part 3

Link to part 4

Happy Birthday Usopp

Chobin: No.. I can’t fight with Robin’s powers at all..

Roffy: And I cannot use Luffy’s powers..


Usomi: Even though it looks like Luffy, I cannot rely on it at all! I feel no motivation coming from you! Zero motivation!


Usomi: Don’t you even go there!!

Navy: Yes! We managed to catch the Straw Hat captain and the Devil Child Nico Robin!

Chobin:Gyaah! Damnit!

Roffy: Ouchie.

Usomi: Chopper! Robin! Oi Brook, this is a pretty bad situation, isn’t it..


Bropp:Nami-san is at 0 degrees.. Luffy-san’s gone, Zoro-san and Sanji-san are fighting each other..! Usopp-san, we are in a Pinch!!

Navy officer: At first we were in trouble, but now the tables have been turned! This is true power, look! We even have a helper from Cipher Pol on our side!!

Usomi: So big!!

Jerry: Long time no see, Black Leg Sanji.. Two years ago in the sea train to Enies Lobby..

Franji:Huh? Was there an enemy like this in the sea train?

Jerry: Two years ago, from the day I lost to you! I’ve been training in the island where Judo enthusiastics gather! 

Whenever training got too hard, I kept thinking forward to this day! 

After days and days of fierce training, this day has finally arrived! 

Here I am, standing at the top of the Judo island, now, I finally am..! 

Jerry:Table tennis champion!!!!

Franji: DO JUDO!!

Jerry: Aurora Flicker Smash!! There! There! There!

Franji:Ouch! Ouch! It barely hurts! 

In that case, I’ll attack as well! 

Black Fist Iron Boxing!

Navy: Whaaat?? He defeated the Cipher Pol helper so easily?!

Sanzo: Chopper! Robin-chan!


Sanzo: Wait for me, I’ll save you now!

Poêle à Frire; Marimo Spectre!!

Navy: *painful anime noises*

Sanzo: Chopper!! (Note: this is Sanji)

Chobin:Sanjiiii!! (Note: this is Chopper)

Sanji! Thank you for saving us!

Sanzo: It must’ve been so scary …Chopper!


Usomi: You only came to help us for that, didn’t you..

Navy: Uwaaagh! What’s this?!

Navy: It’s a robot!! A robot has appeared! So cool!!

Franji: Is that.. Luffy?

Usomi & Chobin: It’s General Franky!!

Lufranky: Sorry for the hold up you guys! I’m going all out now!!

General Weight! General Weight!!

Navy: What is this technique?!

Lufranky:I am the invincible Iron Pirate~~


Lufranky: General Cannon!!

Chobin:Luffy is so cool!

Franji: We’re finished here at Sunny’s side as well.

Bropp:Huh, Somehow we won..

Navy officer: How could this be.. We should’ve had the upper hand, but instead we were defeated in a blink of an eye by them.. So strong.. Too strong..

Bropp:Ah, The marines seemed to have a nose for winning..

But the only nose winning here is mine!! YOHOHOHOHOHOHO

Lufranky: That was so interesting!

Zopper:You’re the only one having fun.

Lufranky:Okay! Let’s go to the city to find Traffy!!



Link to part 1

Link to part 2

Link to part 3

So I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once thaSo I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.Once tha

So I’ve almost finished translating the first story, and I’ll post the fourth part tomorrow.

Once that one is finished, I figured I’d ask you if you have a preference over what story should be translated next. So here’s some quick summaries of the stories, if you are interested in one or more of them, do tell me. I’ll take your opinions into account while deciding the next story.

There are 5 stories in every book, including 5-7 ministories, which I’ll be posting randomly.

Book 1:

Chapters 1-3 are translated properly on the internet somewhere, I won’t be telling you about them. Google them if you haven’t read them yet.

Chapter 4: Treasure hunting with Vivi and Law, featuring Gedatsu and Caesar Clown. It also has an obligatory bathhouse scene with the Strawhats, uhm, admiring Laws tattoos.

Chapter 5: Some sort of Power rangers mash up with Bad Guy Shanks(cosplaying a crab) and his crew. Usopp cosplays Kizaru and Chopper cosplays Senor Pink. Crocodile regrets being a part of this story.

Book 2:

Chapter 6: Davy Back Fight with Foxy, but this time he has Law and Cavendish on his side. Law briefly has a sailor moon wig on and Monster trio has afros.

Chapter 7: Zoro gets so damn lost and ends up in Rusukaina. For some reason he knows how to do Ivankov’s Death Wink. Caribou is there. We get to find out if Hancock’s Mero Mero Mellow works on Zoro. (it doesn’t)

Chapter 8 & 10 are actually already translated by the wonderful @dragon6125 ​, go check them out if you’re interested.

Chapter 9: Bartolomeo the fanboy gets to visit Thousand Sunny. Lots of tears, snot and wonderful fanboying.

Book 3:

Chapter 11: Adventure in Drum, feat. Vivi and Law. Includes Law pouting, Wapol being a dork and Vivi and Nami saving the day. Bepo is present.

Chapter 12: Garp dresses ASL trio in marine uniforms and they play some form of (violent) tag in the forest. Dadan is funny.

Chapter 13: Adventure in mermaid island feat. Carrot. Sanji gets arrested.

Chapter 14: Obligatory beach episode. Volleyball, barbeque and fanservice, as per usual. Zoro continues to ignore the existance of directions.

Chapter 15 is currently being translated.

Book 4:

Chapter 16: Usopp infiltrates the marines. Involves lots of Japanese jokes(Tsukkomis and Bokes).

Chapter 17: Obligatory swimming pool episode feat. Miss Goldenweek, Mr.3, Miss Valentine, Mr.5 and Dorry & Brogy. Has scenes of Law riding on Luffys shoulders and Law wearing a gorgeous swimming cap and goggles.

Chapter 18: A Karate Kid parody with Zoro being Karate Kid and Mihawk is Mr. Miyagi. Training stuff on Mihawks island feat. Perona.

Chapter 19: A treasure hunt with Law feat. Smoker and Hina. Sabo and Ace threathen Law, and Law carries Luffy on his shoulders. Ace and Sabo threathen Law some more.

Chapter 20: Luffy, Zoro, Cavendish and Bartolomeo are all handcuffed to each other and they have to fight Vergo and Monet. Rebecca tries to help, but those morons are beyond all help.

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Usomi: Listen Luffy! If you meet with Red-hair Shanks in that body he won’t recognize you!

Lufranky: Shanks!!

Shanks: Huh? Who?

Lufranky: Shanks! Shanks!

Lufranky: That’s right! That can’t happen!!


Nababrook: I don’t care anymore..


Nababrook: If this goes on, I want to die.. Oh, But I’m already dead, aren’t I… Yohohoho….

Usomi: You’re taking this really hard, Nami..

Broopp: Ah? Nami-san is making skeleton jokes as well? 

Usomi: But still.. These are kind of heavy, aren’t they?

Chobin: My shoulders are hurting..

Sanzo: *Naturally, nosebleeds*


Zopper: Hey Ero-cook!! Don’t use my body for stupid things like that!!

Sanzo: Shut up marimo tanuki!(Or Marimo deer) Being in your body is enough to seriously piss me off! So annoying!!

Usomi: Hm? What are you doing Franky?



Franji: I was planning to remodel this body into a ‘cuisine robot’!

Sanzo:Stop!! Don’t use other peoples bodies for things like that!!

Lufranky: Ah, so cool!!

Listing things as seen in the picture, such as oven and knife etc.

Sanjis faces functions from clockwise;

From the left nostril: Salt

From the right nostril: Pepper

From the mouth: Mayonnaise

From the nose: Ketchup


Sanzo: By the way Franky..

Is it possible to add a function that would make it possible to see through the ladies clothes..?

Franji: Sanji.. It’s already in development.

Sanzo: Good job Franky!!

Franji: After all, it’s the dream for entire humankind!

Sanzo:I look forward to seeing it in the future!

Broopp: It’s kind of gross to see Zoro-san and Sanji-san getting along so well.



Usomi: Anyway, we should try and return everyone to their own bodies.

Chobin: All we have to do is catch Traffy, right?


Chobin: Since we obviously are still in the range of his ability, it must mean that he’s on this island.

So there’s probably a town nearby, so it’s possible the town’s people have information on Traffy. We should go ask around.

Lufranky: Ooh!! Chopper’s right!

Zopper: Hee- Good job Chopper.

Roffy: As expected.

Chobin: Those compliments…


Chobin: Don’t make me happy at all, you bastards..!!

Usomi: That’s so creepy!

Sanzo: Wait a second you guys!

Sanzo: Before that there’s something I need to do!

Usomi: Huh?


Sanzo: Usopp! Chopper!

It’s time for a bath!

Usomi: That’s true! It’s a part of our morning routine!

Chobin: At a time like this? Well, it’s fun to bathe together!

Nababook: Wait wait wait!!!

Lufranky: Okay!! Let’s go look for Traffy!



Navy officer: You idiots!!


Navy officer: I won’t let you into the town! I won’t let you!!

Usomi: What is it?

Geh! The Navy!!

Chobin: At a time like this?! It’s bad!

Zopper: Are you going to get in our way?


Navy officer: This is the day when the Straw Hat crew will be captured! Will be captured!!

We have over 20 000 men who will not be defeated by you! We won’t be defeated!!

Navy:Gyahaha!! Commodore, 20 000 is too much..!!

Chobin: 20 000??

Usomi: Yeah right!!

Roffy: But in our current condition a fight would be quite bad..

Usomi: Why are you drinking tea again?!

Link to part 1

Part 3/5 will be posted 22nd of January

ONE PIECE PARTY Vol.3, Fifth story Part 1/5Trafalgar’s counterattackLaw: Yo you guys, it’s time for

ONE PIECE PARTY Vol.3, Fifth story Part 1/5

Trafalgar’s counterattack

Law: Yo you guys, it’s time for One Piece Party.

“He couldn’t pop up from underneath”, is what you thought, wasn’t it?

Fufufu.. I knew that would surprise you.

This time in One Piece Party the Straw Hat crew who is always messing with me will finally taste their own medicine, as it’s time for me to mess with them instead!

Fufufu.. I’ve been waiting for this day to come for so long.. I feel like singing and dancing.

(Riceball~ Riceball~)

Law: So! Let the counterattack begin!! Watch as the Straw Hat crew runs around from the next page on!


Zoro: I’m not sleeping. I am awake.



Next morning


Usopp: Good Mooorning Everybody!! It’s morning Yohohoho~!

Robin:Yaawn.. Did I fall asleep while researching Rumble Balls..

Franky: Sanji!! It’s time for breakfast! I’m starving!

Brook: Eh? Wait up! Luffy! Zoro! Did you guys watch the ship properly?? Why did we arrive on a different island than what the Logpose was pointing towards? 

Could this be a miracle caused by Zoro’s nonexisting sense of direction!?

Chopper: Whose nonexisting sense of direction? Isn’t any island just fine enough?

Oi clumsy cook, bring out the sake that was bought earlier!


Nami: Phuaah! I accidentally ate a Tabasco star!! Water!!

Zoro: Oi Luffy! The soup that was cooking overnight, why is all gone down to the last drop?!! You are the culprit, aren’t you!!

Sanji: AW! You guys are so loud! I’m feeling SUUPER right from the morning!!





Luffy: Well well..

It looks like Law’s ability has made us all switch bodies.

Everyone: EH?!




Luffy: How troublesome.

Voice: why is this one calmly drinking tea?!

Franky: Okay! For the time being, let’s look at the situation..


Lufranky: I’m stuck inside Franky’s body..

Zoro is in Chopper’s

Nami in Brook’s..

Next is Usopp in Nami’s 

Sanji is in Zoro’s

Chopper is in Robin’s body

And Robin is stuck in my body


Lufranky: Franky is in Sanji’s

And Brook is in Usopp’s body, right!

Lufranky: I see, I see..

Sanzo: That damn Law!! Absolutely unforgivable! Out of all things he put me in Marimo’s body! I can’t stop the hives from breaking out!!


Usomi: So, what are we going to do, Luffy!?

Lufranky: *Is thinking..*


Lufranky: It can’t be helped! Let’s set sail for the next adventure!!

Sanzo & Usomi: Are you an idiot?! You can’t decide it like that!

Lufranky: Eh? Isn’t it fine? This is interesting!!

S & U: This one isn’t listening!!

Lufranky:I will become the pirate king

Franji: You don’t have to say it like a robot!!


Part 2/5 will be posted on 15th of January

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Short comic from One piece colour walk

Buggy: That Santa guy left some presents behind.. and our plan is to get inside and steal them!!

Mohji & Cabaji: As expected of our captain!!

Buggy: He he he.. here they are..

Voice: A thief!! Return the chicken and the cookies!!

Buggy: What!? I never even touched the food!!

Merry (late) Christmas or what ever it is you celebrate. Rest and eat well.

ONE PIECE PARTY short comic, book 2Listen upLuffy: Smokey!Leo: Smokeyland!Camie: Smokeyland-chin!Shi

ONE PIECE PARTY short comic, book 2

Listen up

Luffy: Smokey!

Leo: Smokeyland!

Camie: Smokeyland-chin!

Shirahoshi: Smokeylandchin-sama

Law: Smokeylandchinsama-ya

Neptune: Smokeylandchinsama-ya-jamon

Ivankov: Smokeylandchinsama-ya-jamon boy!!

Tashigi:  Smokeylandchinsama-ya-jamon boy-san!

Smoker: Stop adding names!! Aren’t you the one who should stop it??

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ONE PIECE PARTY, the third mini story from book 1Omake manga cornerSabo: I won’t let you have the FlONE PIECE PARTY, the third mini story from book 1Omake manga cornerSabo: I won’t let you have the Fl

ONE PIECE PARTY, the third mini story from book 1

Omake manga corner

Sabo: I won’t let you have the Flame Flame Fruit…

Sabo: Long time no see, Luffy…!

Luffy: Huh?? You’re Sabo, you say?? Lies!

Luffy: Sabo died long time ago!

Luffy: Besides, the Sabo I knew looked WAY different!!

Sabo: I can’t be helped then.. In that case..

Sabo: How’s this?

※ He’s wearing a buzzcut wig and a blackened tooth

Luffy: *over the top anime reaction*

Sabo: So slow!! You seriously didn’t recognize it was me before that?!

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ONE PIECE PARTY, the second mini story from book 1Omake manga cornerSanji: Wait up, you bastard. SanONE PIECE PARTY, the second mini story from book 1Omake manga cornerSanji: Wait up, you bastard. San

ONE PIECE PARTY, the second mini story from book 1

Omake manga corner

Sanji: Wait up, you bastard. 

Sanji: What’s gonna happen if you die?!

Sanji: Hey, big guy! Instead of this shitty swordsman, take my life!

THUK!!(T/N the sound effect of Zoro hitting Sanji’s side)

Sanji: Right now the Navy’s not taking me seriously..

Sanji: But later the one causing the real trouble will be me

Sanji: Black leg Sanji!!

Zoro: Yes yes, now it’s time for the fall..!


Sanji: So, come on!

Sanji: I’m ready for it anytime.

Zoro: !!?


Sanji: Tell everyone my regards



Sanji: Sorry, you have to find a new cook..



Sanji: Stop it with the damn thuk thuks, you bastard!!

Zoro: Fall down already, damnit!

Kuma: If you could take a trip, where would you like to go to?

Z & S: SHUT UP!!

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ONE PIECE PARTY, first mini story from the first book.Omake manga cornerCaesar: Against the Land of ONE PIECE PARTY, first mini story from the first book.Omake manga cornerCaesar: Against the Land of

ONE PIECE PARTY, first mini story from the first book.

Omake manga corner

Caesar: Against the Land of the dead (Shinokuni), it doesn’t matter if you have 400 million bounty..

Luffy: Whoa!

Caesar: Or if you are Navy’s vice admiral!!

Caesar: Not even one of the seven warlords can do anything!

Caesar: Now, let the world see proof of it!!

Chopper: Wh-Whoaa!! What should I do, what should I do?

Chopper: What can I do to help Luffy and the others?

Chopper: Wah!

Chopper: Eh, paper? But who..?

On the paper: Dressroba (Gag from One piece chapter 700, Dressroba meaning an old woman in a dress)

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ONE PIECE PARTY, back cover from the fourth book.Vivi?Luffy: Ah, this is a lively town!Chopper: Ther

ONE PIECE PARTY, back cover from the fourth book.


Luffy: Ah, this is a lively town!

Chopper: There’s a lot of people here!

Nami: Ah? Isn’t that person over there Vivi?

Luffy: Vivi? There’s so much people here, I can’t see properly.

Sanji: !! That hair colour! The shine! The length! The gorgeous waves!

Sanji: No mistake, it’s Vivi-chan!

Luffy: Heeey~! Vivi!!

Buggy: Hm? Did you call me?

Luffy: It’s Buggy after all!

Buggy: Owww

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ONE PIECE PARTY, back cover comic from the third book.Still learning japanese, feel free to tell me

ONE PIECE PARTY, back cover comic from the third book.

Still learning japanese, feel free to tell me if any of the translations are off.


Makino: *Is cleaning plates*

??: Please excuse us..

Everyone: Can I have a copy of that picture over there?

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So yeah, I bought the first 4 ONE PIECE PARTY mangas from Japan, and started translating them to mys

So yeah, I bought the first 4 ONE PIECE PARTY mangas from Japan, and started translating them to myself because I couldn’t really find all of them translated. Meanwhile I thought that I’d translate some to tumblr as well, if anyone else is as thirsty as me for ONE PIECE content.. Anyway, I’m not insanely good in japanese, so if you notice mistakes, do tell me, I’m trying to study it more to be able to read more easily. 

This is the minicomic from the back cover of the second book.


Luffy: Hm? What are you guys drinking?

Nami: A fruit smoothie. Sanji-kun made it for me.

Robin: It’s now in fashion.

Luffy: Okay! Then I too will be fashionable and make a smoothie!

Chopper: Luffy! Make one for me too!

Luffy: Meat smoothie is not good…

Usopp: Meat smoothie!? What even is that!! Don’t drink anything that looks so sketchy!!

Zoro: Make me one out of sake, idiot.

Sanji: Make it yourself, moron.

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