#tell me your thoughts


So I guess I have to get a gun?

I’m terrified of guns. Petrified. For a person who already suffers daily from death anxiety, the idea of having a gun in my own home, USED TO BE unthinkable.

I felt a shift in my perspective today. Absolutely nothing is going to change in this country. If because of this Texas elementary school shooting, things do finally change, then thank fucking God. But I’m not holding my breath. And until something changes, how can I not arm myself in this wildly fucked up country? At the very least, I know that I’ll ALWAYS be the good guy with the gun, I’d never ever use to it hurt someone unless I had no other choice.

Do any of you guys own guns for personal or home protection? I would honestly love some perspectives and feedback because I don’t know how I could sleep tonight, even if I tried.

Official Buck Begins synopsis: “The 118 race to save the lives of workers trapped in a five-alarm factory fire. Meanwhile, Maddie reveals a painful family secret that causes Buck to confront his childhood and answer why he is the daredevil he is today”

- What if it’s like a TBI and that’s why he is a daredevil, those make people act differently

- but why would that be painful?

- maybe he accidentally hurt someone as a child?

- adopted, and bio parents have mental health problems?

Tell me your thoughts please!

Okay. Yall wanna hear my true crime hot takes?

  • Alieen Wuornos was a pathological liar
  • Jeffrey Dahmer committed suicide
  • The Hernandez Brothers aren’t victims
  • Ed Gien killed his brother
  • John Wayne Gacy had accomplices
  • The level of police incompetence
  • Canadian police are low key lazy