#tender is the night

Tender Is the Night- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tender Is the Night- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Tender Is the Night- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tender Is the Night- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Your candle flickers as you sip your black coffee. The liquid sloshes hard as you absently put it aside, eager to turn another page. The sun has already slipped below the horizon, and you know it’s far too late for coffee, but you can’t stop. The dry pages flick beneath your fingers. They’re filled with words, meanings, and love. You close your book on the final page and reach for another.

‘Something in me vibrates to a dusky, dreamy smell of dying moons and shadows’ - Zelda F

‘Something in me vibrates to a dusky, dreamy smell of dying moons and shadows’ - Zelda Fitzgerald

A paper cut done from a single sheet of card. I did this a little while ago as a present for a friend. :)

I have other pieces for sale in my etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Papercutwords?ref=si_shop

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