
Tengriism had a central place in historical Turkic societies from the eastern borders of Asia to Cen

Tengriism had a central place in historical Turkic societies from the eastern borders of Asia to Central Europe. Even though the word “Tanrı” (God) took such forms as “tangara” with the Yakuts, “teri” with the Kazan Turks, “ter" with the Soyons and “tenggeri” with the Mongols, it retained to present day its fundamental form in every religious system accepted by Turkic peoples.

Tengriism holds the belief of Tanrı being in the sky, which covers the world and governs everything and hence as a Sky-God, the Creator and the Absolute Power. Political power and sovereignty has its origin in God. There were no temples, pictures or statues for the Sky-God, who is ancient and eternal and has no human characteristics. It gives luck and power to the Khans, on whom the organization of society, and the destiny of people depend.

Ancient Turks also considered Earth-Water (Yer-Sub) sacred. The belief in “Yer-Sub” related to the mountains, forests, rivers, etc. and this later transformed into a “Cult of Homeland.” Through history, the Turks also respected fire and saw within it a cleansing and sacred power. The cult of fire among the Turks is closely related to “the cult of family hearth” which in turn is related to “the cult of the ancestor.” The term “Yer-Sub” (Earth-Water) implies that in addition to trees, fire, water, mountains, the earth, rocks and stones have a sacred meaning and importance. In the Orkhon inscriptions, “the blue sky” and “the black earth” form the two main cosmic fields and complement each other. (x)

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saeruth:Ak Ana, the “White Mother” is the primordial creator-goddess of Turkic people and the Khsaeruth:Ak Ana, the “White Mother” is the primordial creator-goddess of Turkic people and the Kh


Ak Ana, the “White Mother” is the primordial creator-goddess of Turkic people and the KhantyandMansi peoples of Siberia. She is also known as the goddess of the water. She was the consort of Kayra Han.

Water had created earlier than Earth. Therefore she was believed to be a sister to Earth. The beginning of the Earth emanated from Water. In ancient Turkish beliefs, Tangri(God)Kaira Khan is a pure, white goose that flies constantly over an endless expanse of water (time). But before Ak-Ana appears to urge Kaira Khan to create, he experiences a disturbance of his calm. From the bottom of the Water a “sacred duck” Lura lifted the sand, clay and silt, from which the Earth was created. Water was the initial state of everything in existence. Water evenly gave rise to both foreign and hostile elements. It was the possessor of spirits and the entrance into the other realm. The life, fertility and productivity of land depended on the Ak Ana.

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