#tenth doctor x reader angst



Doctor Who : Multishot

Tenth Doctor x Reader

Word Count: 7889

Warnings: blood and death - and BY GOLLY my HEART brEaKiNg! I rewatched ‘The End of Time’ and literally s o b b e d 

Request: This is just from my own head ​

A/N: You and the Doctor grow closer but you also grow closer to the inevitable. And Holy Hell I’m so excited for you guys to read this part and the next one!

Prologue: The Dying Girl

Part 1: The Sun God

Part 2: The Tonic

Part 3: The Ending Song {You Are Here}

Part 4: The Dream


A raucous cough tore through her lungs, a metallic tang appearing on the back of her tongue. She wiped at her nose, clearing it of the blood it trickled.

“I could imagine the look on your stupid face,” she muttered, staring at the redness on her fingers, “You’d be so furious.” She grinned, laughing until she coughed again.

She sat at her dining table, hands shaky and sweaty as they held a leatherbound journal. The cover was etched with all sorts of designs, the same ones engraved on her zybanium watch. She had learned those funny circles and lines were Gallifreyan, the language of her people.

The Doctor had written the alphabet within the cover page, and in turn she was able to inscribe the writing on the front. 

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Doctor Who : Multishot

Tenth Doctor x Reader

Word Count: 6623

Warnings: some depressive death themes; some angsty stuff

Request: This is just from my own head ​

A/N: This part is pretty intense, we’ve got a lot of confessions and reveals. But man oh man… I am so hopelessly in love with the Doctor. Just picturing him while reading this

Note: the large bits all in italics are what has happened in the past

Prologue: The Dying Girl

Part 1: The Sun God

Part 2: The Tonic {You Are Here}

Part 3: The Ending Song


“Sit down.”


Sit down.”

“Not on those grungy astronaut seats!”

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