


 Writing: @HikariNoHimeW 


 Ship: Tetsu/Mono 

Kink/CW: A/B/O

Being an omega isn’t easy. Being an omega /and/ a hero, then, is an utter nightmare.

It’s been only a few months since the 3-B class graduated from UA, yet Monoma Neito couldn’t be more exhausted.

Every day is a new struggle; no matter how capable he proves himself to be, there’ll always be those looking down on him. If not for his strength, then for his reliability as a hero. If no other excuses are found, then just for his secondary gender.

Omegas aren’t supposed to be heroes. They’re supposed to take care of their home and have pups. It’s all there is to them. Anything more and they’re considered abominations.

He already lost count of how many times his friends had to intervene when reporters started harassing him. Neito wonders if he’ll ever forget the day Kendou punched an alpha who tried to touch him. He smiles. /Of course not./

There is one good thing about being an omega, though, one Neito will never give up on: nesting.

There’s nothing more pleasant than jumping on that mountain of fluff after a hard day of work. It’s even better now that he knows there won’t be work the next day.

His body feels feverish already, the impending symptoms of his approaching heat. 

Oh, the heat. Neito used to hate it when he was still in high school. Back then it was nothing but a full week of pain and misery, no relief or satisfaction through those days. It’s different now.

Neito doesn’t have to go through them alone anymore. And, mind you, his alpha is the best one he could’ve asked for. 

It was a surprise to everyone when he and Tetsutetsu mated shortly after graduation. Neito himself was stunned silent when the alpha asked him to be his mate.

Not because he didn’t have feelings for Tetsu, no; it was Neito, the most undeserving of omegas, a jerk among jerks, who still can’t believe he’s worthy of the alpha’s love.

Tetsu may not be the smartest of men, but he has the most beautiful heart and kindest personality.

There’s no way any omega—or beta—wouldn’t fall in love with Tetsu after getting to know him properly. After three years of studying together and half a year as mates, Neito can say he knows the alpha pretty well. 

He pulls one of the shirts from the pile that makes his nest.

The white shirt is a bit too big on him but Neito doesn’t mind. It carries his beloved’s scent, a surprisingly relaxing mixture of ozone and copper. 

He relaxes into the nest, inhaling Tetsu’s scent to sleep. Neito doesn’t know how long passed until he wakes up.

The first thing he feels is the warmth. It’s hot, so, so hot he can barely move. His shirt is soaked in sweat by now and Neito is glad he removed his underwear before sleep, or else the boxers would be covered in slick.

His pheromones spread over the room, making the air heavy and heady with pure desire.

Neito pants, pulling his body up to a sitting position. He doesn’t dare touch himself.

In this state, any touch that’s not his alpha’s, even that of a toy, will just burn and hurt more than relieve. It’s the main reason omegas often mate young and why Neito hated spending heats alone.

This is not the same as back then, though.

He can hear the front door opening, the sound of Tetsu’s “I’m home” reaching him like the sweetest melody. Neito crawls to the edge of his nest, trying to get closer to his lover yet unable to leave the safety of his nest. 

He swallows. “Tetsu!” 

That’s all that’s needed.

Tetsu’s right there a second after, eyes wide, realization all over his face. His cheeks turn red when he sees Neito’s state—slick dripping down his legs, nothing but the alpha’s shirt covering his body and equally red cheeks.

He kneels in front of Neito and cups his cheeks with both hands. It’s hard to believe these hands were also made of steel, that such power lay right under his skin.

Neito saw him rip enemies apart with a single punch, yet now these very same hands touch him with so much care and gentleness it’s overwhelming to him. 

Tetsu’s voice is softer than a whisper, but Neito can hear him perfectly. “Tell me, what do you need?”

There’s no need to think. Neito knows the answer by heart now. “You. I need you.”

His eyes close out of reflex. Tetsu’s lips are soft against him, more than Neito remembers. His large hands guide Neito to lie down. He holds onto his alpha, keeping him as close as he can.

Sometimes he forgets how much bigger Tetsu is compared to him; the reminder always sends a shiver down his body.

Tetsu lets go of Neito’s lips to descend on his neck instead. He drags his sharp teeth over Neito’s mating bite.

His reward comes right after, a moan sweeter than honey, filled with nothing but quiet pleasure and delight.

“Perfect,” Tetsu whispers against his skin. His hot breath makes Neito shiver. “My beautiful omega.”

Neito chokes out a laugh. “We talked about praises, Tetsu.”

His voice doesn’t sound nearly as scolding as Neito wishes it would. It’s impossible, especially when he’s stupidly aware of his alpha’s hard cock poking against his bare thigh and his mouth salivates just at the thought of taking his mate’s knot.

“Oh?” He can /feel/ Tetsu’s smirk against his collarbone. He places a kiss there, light and teasing. “So I can’t tell my mate how perfect he is? That there’s not a single moment I don’t think about him?”


“How I /love/ his voice?” he continues, totally unperturbed.

“That his scent is the best I ever smelled? That being his mate still feels like a dream?”

Neito’s breath hitches, his face turning a brighter shade of red. Tetsu is wrong. /Neito/ is the lucky one.

Lucky to have Tetsu, to be his mate, to have this happiness… The words are stuck on his throat, unable to come out. He just holds his alpha, digs his fingers into surprisingly soft silver hair. 

Tetsu keeps peppering his neck and shoulders with fleeting kisses.

The alpha’s fingers reach his soaked hole. They probe Neito’s entrance with patient curiosity—patience that Neito lost long ago. “Ngh—please, Tetsu. Please just fuck me.”

His pheromones are stronger than before.

Neito knows this, knows they’re the reason behind the shiver running in his alpha’s body. Neito loves him. Neito needs him. Now, more than ever.

“I don’t wanna hurt you,” Tetsu whispers. His whole body is tense against Neito, not any different from a bowstring ready to snap.

And, /oh/, does Neito want him to snap.

But that can come later. He knows all too well that Tetsu won’t stop when the next day comes, when his heat takes full control of them. Neito can wait until then.

For now, all he wants is to keep his beloved as close as he can, in the safe haven of his nest. 

“You won’t. You’re the only one who’ll never hurt me.” There’s no doubt in his voice. Neito /knows/ it. “I can take it. Please…”

Tetsu shudders, then nods.

Neito glances between his alpha’s legs only to find a stupidly large bulge become a stupidly large cock. He swallows. How Tetsu could ever fit inside him is a mystery Neito has yet to figure out. He doubts any other alpha would be the same.

A shuddering sigh escapes Neito.

He’ll never get tired of how his alpha feels buried deep inside him. Tetsu’s cock stretches him to his limits, reaches places within him not even Neito knew about. He loves this feeling.

Tetsu’s thrusts are just like Tetsu himself—infinitely kind and careful, propelled by something raw and pure deep inside him. It doesn’t take long until that /something/ takes over and he gains speed and strength.

Neito throws his head back, moans leaving his mouth one after the other. A scream escapes him when Tetsu latches onto his nipple, sucking it through the dampened shirt. His body arches into the touch, unintentionally making Tetsu’s thrusts hit at a new angle.

“/Fuuuuuuck,/” Neito groans. He cums between their bodies, tainting Tetsu’s black shirt in white. He melts under his alpha, all energy leaving his body. If only he knew having sex with Tetsu was this good, young Neito would’ve done it long before.

His eyes are getting heavy when he hears a low, rumbling chuckle. Neito shivers, his eyes meeting Tetsu’s amused ones. His alpha is still buried deep inside him… And no knot at all.


“We’re only getting started, love.”

And that’s a long, long night ahead indeed.

 TetsuKendo - “Crush” by Aurora Lynne After a long time I FINALLY finished this piece! T

TetsuKendo - “Crush” by Aurora Lynne

 After a long time I FINALLY finished this piece! They’re such an underrated ship, I’d love to see them interact more because they’re 100% endgame <3 Hope you enjoy! 


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Kamitetsu at the Hot springs

Happy birthday Tetsutetsu!

How better to celebrate than with another of Class 1-Bs incredible underdogs, Kendo!  Check out oour beautiful cover by @vanillasacs + don’t miss out on your chance to get the BNHA Underdogs fashion zine from our shop—there’s only 3 weeks left to order!

Check out our shop for the zine, charms, tote bags, prints, stickers, and more! http://underdogszine.bigcartel.com




And as a lil birthday treat, a sneak peak of some of the Tetsutetsu art and merch in the zine!! Happy birthday to this Class 1-B superstar (and Kirishima too!)

A quick something I drew for these shark boys yesterday to wish ‘em a happy birthday =3

A quick something I drew for these shark boys yesterday to wish ‘em a happy birthday =3

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It’s Kirishima and Tetsutetsu’s Birthday today! My dash is blessed! I *was* drawing a birthday comic

It’s Kirishima and Tetsutetsu’s Birthday today! My dash is blessed! 

I *was* drawing a birthday comic for Kiri, but then I saw some Tetsutetsu b-day well-wishes on my dash and I was like HOW did I not realise! Of COURSE they share a birthday! So the comic got ditched and I started working on this picci instead. I couldn’t finish on time though T^T Sorry boys u_u I hope I can tomorrow! Happy birthday!

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