

Santa childe is back

Anyways I’ve been playing Genshin Impact since November and I’m already at AR 45 (no I haven’t left

Anyways I’ve been playing Genshin Impact since November and I’m already at AR 45 (no I haven’t left the house in a week why do you ask).

I would also like to thank this dude for making me realize that my favorite character trope is the “labeled villain character who’s a piece of shit at the start but as the story progresses they become super sympathetic/has a sad backstory so you begin to wonder if they’re actually a villain in the first place”.

((also if any of my mutuals play genshin impact PLEASE PLAY WITH ME IM TO SCARED TO JOIN A RANDOM CO-OP WORLD ALSJDHFJ))

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its just red paint….i thinkits just red paint….i thinkits just red paint….i think

its just red paint….i think

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