#text game


Every single time, Dream will end up at this stupid party. Every single loop, George will walk in and their eyes would lock. Every single repetition, Dream will fall a little more in love.

But no matter how many times Dream comes back here, he can never seem to save George.

(Or, Florida man messes with time for some british dude he fell head-over-heels for.)

Based off my “Paramnesia” series, this is a text-based game I adapted where you get to play as Dream and make choices for him as he tries to save George from an untimely death. (You do not need to have read the series in order to understand the game.)

How to play:
Go to this link(orthis link for mobile). Press the green “Run” button and wait about 10 seconds for the game to load. Once you see the words “PARAMNESIA the game”, you can press Enter to begin!

The game will be split into three parts. Pt.1 is an intro (choices don’t matter that much), Pt.2 is the main storyline (choices matter), Pt.3 consists of extra scenes you’ve unlocked after completing the game.

Disclaimer that sometimes errors/glitches might happen, this project isn’t perfect and I still work on it from time to time. If anything buggy happens, feel free to let me know what happened! (It would help to have a save code and screenshot of the issue as well. You can report them in detail in the discord.)

I hope you enjoy the game, and I wish you the best of luck! Lmk what you guys think and what endings you got :)
