#text it


i just bought the hamilton biography because i was already a history hoe but hamilton has only strengthened it

if you can honestly look at a show like the 100 with so many complex and diverse characters and still choose jasper as your favorite character we can’t be friends

i haven’t listened to any music besides hamilton since thursday

i changed my icon to hamilton because im trash

im in love with anthony ramos


what she says: i’m fine

what she means: jaha was the first person who was niceto murphy in months and treated him like an actual human being but he ended up locking murphy in a bunker for 3 months, almost driving him to suicide and I AM UPSET. someone please give murphy a hug he deserves so much more.

#reblog    #text it    #murphy    #the 100    #the 100 spoilers    

ive been listening to aaron burr, sir for like 43 straight hours now

back to @grovnder!!

i can’t wait for the gifsets of murphy holding a gun to his head so i can die all over again :)

but on a different note, I’ve been listening to hamilton nonstop and I really want to do a gift set with lyrics from it but like the 100

overall that was kind of shit the only good part was miller being gay

can we talk about how Murphy had a complete 180 when he saw emori like wow relationship goals???

abby and raven wow just wow we need more female relationships like this



jasper is annoying but i too am a human disaster so ima try and give him a break

okay never mind he probably just started a war

ok so like on the off hand chance monty isn’t millers boyfriend already tbh,, there has to be a plot point of the boyfriend being jealous of how miller is with monty

haha why would bellamy say monty is from farm station twice haha


Miller has already had more lines than he did all of last season.

#text it    #reblog    #the 100 spoilers    #savage    

bitch I don’t give a fuck about jasper


Remember when we were happy that Murphy found the bunker because we thought it meant he’d be safe and happy? 

#reblog    #text it    #the 100 spoilers    

