#thank you daft punk


^ More Under Cut ^

So, a week ago, Daft Punk retired. Some days after (Maybe 3 or 4, I’ve lost count) I found out. Why this wasn’t immediately brought to my attention? I don’t know. Just because I found out later doesn’t mean I’m not upset about it though.

I guess through recent binging, I’ve really learned from them to make “art” for me. Because I want to. If it makes me happy, I should be allowed to enjoy and share it. I want to share what brings me joy with you all. There may be upcoming content you’ll disagree with or turn away, but I’m tired of making art I think others will like. I’m going to do “art” (Music, Visual Art, etc.) On my own terms because I love it.

You know what else I love? This band. I’m still really sour over their retirement, but I can understand why they’d call it off. Even though they weren’t a huge part of my life, I’ve still loved it whenever I head it. Now I’m taking my time to listen to their music, explore their past and explore myself. Thank you, Daft Punk, for bringing me this clarity. I love y’all.

P.S. Your dances on Just Dance are the best ones
