#thank you dearie




…And I’m Wearing Tights

Summary: Steve once revealed a bit of a fetish to you. Tonight, you test it out.

Warnings:uh…you and Steve being cheeky weirdosandsmutty smut (graphic but loving), lightly edited because I is tired. (Minors DNI)

It’s not the perfect day or time for this, but if there’s one thing you’ve learned being with Steve Rogers it’s that it’s never the perfect time for anything. You two would never have had a real conversation. You’d never have made it to a first date. You’d never have gotten engaged. Perfect isn’t what you two are, but you do love each other, you are devoted to each other, and that is enough.

Keep reading

This story of soft!Steve experiencing his fantasy come to life is fucking AMAZING! Do yourself a favor and read all chapters of the series she’s written of the (painfully!) slow-burn of their relationship up to this point. I can’t recommend it enough!

Hilariously, I keep thinking to myself “I could have made that slower,” but I’m pretty sure I’d have been hunted down and punched in the face. ><

What’s started out as a single one-shot now reminds me of that moment in the theater where–

–flashed before my eyes, and my idea for 5k became 100k (and counting, woof).


I just want Steeb to be Steeb again.
