#thank you for writing this so i don’t have to



fr the people on tumblr are so brainwashed sometimes. the way you act like it’s ALWAYS the man’s fault. it’s scary how you guys shut yourself out to evidence when it’s the woman who’s at fault.

i watched large chunks of the trial and there’s nothing that can convince me that amber heard DIDN’T defame johnny with malicious intent. you guys want to go around praising women and “believing women” and of course we should. but there are also times when you have to think critically for a moment and parse the evidence. if after watching the trial and being presented with all the evidence you still think amber heard was sexually/physically abused as she claimed… i don’t know what to tell you except to brush up on your critical thinking skills. you need to realize that there are some people who WILL lie, who WILL try to defame others to propel themselves up. you need to watch amber’s testimony vs johnny’s. don’t just run with verdict if you haven’t seen the evidence and heard what the lawyers were arguing for.

also if you’re still on amber’s side, pls go listen to the tape recordings of her ADMITTING to hitting johnny depp (there are multiple ones), then go look up the “evidence” she presented of photographs where she claims johnny “whacked” her multiple time while wearing large rings. images are not consistent with her claims, and they have been edited. then go look up talk shows she appeared on and places she’s been photographed in and tell me she was “whacked.” and no, makeup will not cover swelling or severe bruising.

then go through all the witness statements and tell me they’re all lying. managers, cops, deskman, friends, makeup artists – they’re ALL lying for johnny depp? go watch them and tell me what you think of amber heard verbally abusing johnny in public.

and yes, the claim of sexual assault was defamation. if she was assaulted as badly as she claimed on so many different occasions, she would have needed hospitalization. someone would have noticed. for being such a public figure, photographs would picked up bruises, scratches, etc. but there isn’t, except that one photograph TMZ took of her at the courthouse, who knew to show up there and which side of her face to photograph because she or her team alerted them. (btw that bruise showed up mysteriously and was gone the next day.)

also, you’re putting blame on the jury, who has to go through hours of deliberation and mounds of evidence. if you weren’t there, or you didn’t watch the trial, how dare you claim that the verdict was unfair or incorrect. and btw, they awarded amber $2 million for waldman’s statement, which i find more than fair.

and before anyone goes off on me, i’m a woman. i’d withheld my judgment until i heard from both sides in the trial. all evidence suggests that johnny had not been physically or sexually abusive to amber.

by denouncing this verdict so vehemently, you realize that it’s unfair to the MEN who don’t come forward with domestic abuse. it’s a two-way street. Women are more likely to be abused, but that doesn’t mean that men aren’t. if all you heard is the media coverage and the shit amber spewed, of course you’re gonna side with her. but i’m gonna fault you on bad logic if you didn’t consider the evidence. you can’t pick and choose who you listen to. just cause amber’s a woman doesn’t automatically make her a victim.
