#thank you sm


i hope everyone knows i read all the tags on my posts and i give a big ole thank you to everyone who’s been leaving nice comments on my ouch art


contest results!!!

there weren’t very many entries so it’s a little hard to rank each category individually, so i’m gonna rank them together

1st place goes to: @sleepy-lesbian-edits!

their stimboards were all super nice but i especially loved their halloween one!! the color matching is super good and i really like the use of the icon in the center!! they make really nice stimmy stuff to begin with and i really like how they did this one (and the beachball one)!!

1st place (again) also goes to: @mothpride!!

he submitted 4 different moodboards for 4 different palettes and they all look really good! faer edits match the colors really well and the contents of them are also really nice thematically. i really appriciate the effort and i couldn’t pick just one person to be first when fae did so good with his edits!

2nd place goes to @am-i-the-boy-you-dreamed-of!

his moodboard looks really good! dream hit all of the colors perfectly and i love how many colors xe included! their moodboard turned out really well and the way dream arranged the colors gives it a really nice harmony. i really think xe did great!!

3rd place goes to @birds-and-the-enbys!

vers lockscreen is super creative and really nice! i like the design and the way they incorporated each color :0 the strawberries are really cute and i like the whole pattern that they’ve got going on

msg me about prizes | prize info listed here



The Mothman wants to eat your ass


Jurassic OCs Weekly

Week 3, totally not late!

This time, we’re here for @luucypevensie’s oc, Willow Grady!

Artist, equestrian rider and basketball player, Willow Grady is a well rounded woman. Except, she kinda hates her dad, Owen Grady, and his strange group of velociraptors.

Read her fic, Ascension, here!

I’ve fallen in love with Willow, and I’m sorry this is late! I hope you like it!

Jotchua and his cousin

lolohe12: Here is part 2 of my Horror High Homecoming outfit series inspired by the characters of @1lolohe12: Here is part 2 of my Horror High Homecoming outfit series inspired by the characters of @1lolohe12: Here is part 2 of my Horror High Homecoming outfit series inspired by the characters of @1lolohe12: Here is part 2 of my Horror High Homecoming outfit series inspired by the characters of @1lolohe12: Here is part 2 of my Horror High Homecoming outfit series inspired by the characters of @1lolohe12: Here is part 2 of my Horror High Homecoming outfit series inspired by the characters of @1


Here is part 2 of my Horror High Homecoming outfit series inspired by the characters of @1percentcharge (Part 1 here)

I intended to post these sooner, but life gets in the way sometimes 

Post link
dearjinho: naughty boy jinho for @pentaramblesfrom, your uni anon ♥ AHHHHHHH NAUGHTY BOY JINHO YESdearjinho: naughty boy jinho for @pentaramblesfrom, your uni anon ♥ AHHHHHHH NAUGHTY BOY JINHO YES


naughty boy jinhofor@pentarambles
from, your uni anon 


Post link

So I watched Moana for the first time ever and I am so glad because her body type isn’t just real, but IT’S JUST LIKE MINE AND I AM SO HAPPY… I watch Disney movies since ever and loved all the princesses and everything… but I never could look at one and say “wow, I look like her”. The closest of me was Pocahontas, but just in skin color. (I am not a native, though, but lots of brazilian people have a tanned skin in a color between white and black)
Moana is short, has curly dark hair, thick legs… I know it’s her tribe’s body type, but for the first time, I watched a Disney movie and felt represented. I felt like a kid, even though I’m 20, but it doesn’t matter because I know the 7 years old me would go totally like I AM MOANA ♥


Reader’s Birthday Rec List (S.R.)

Hey friends! I got a request for a Rec List involving fics where it’s Reader’s birthday, so here it is! As always, big thanks to my friends and @dreatine in particular for your recommendations!

SFW Fics(Fem!Reader)

Gender Neutral Reader & NSFW Fics below the cut!

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Hair & Clothes by @arethabee in the Academia Palettes

» 56 add-on swatches: 28x in the Historian, 28x in the Scientist
» Meshes not included

»43 stand-alone swatches in the Historian expanded
» Meshes not included

Download links under the cut!

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