#thank you will



can i also just stress how much i appreciate how obi-wan’s inner core of kindness and light is so perfectly coated in dusty, spiky armor in these episodes. he lets people down, he pushes them away, and he lets them die. he’s lost confidence in himself, and the galaxy around him, and it all makes him sad, but not weepy. it’s grief,endless and boundless, and it makes his hair grey and his posture slumped from the ramrod straight way he used to swagger forward through whatever danger the galaxy threw at him, but not anymore. the past weighs so heavy on him, and the 10-year fire of trauma in his memories still burning so hot, keeping him awake at night, preventing him from communion with the force. he’s clearly so lonely, in conflict with his allies, alienated among crowds, and the vast desert is so empty around him, but he’s never truly alone, either. his memories are a fog he’s living through, and i love this brittle, prickly man who still has so much more kindness left inside
