#thanks again for all the support








Some of the pros for the Traumatized Kid Gang™ being transported to the human realm (because I’m not handling the angst right now)

  1. Camila can embarrass Luz in font of Amity
  2. Vee and Luz sisterly bonding
  3. Gus can go yard saleing for human junk
  4. Willow can experience human flora and fauna
  5. Gus and Hunter both being fashion disasters with human clothing
  6. Hunter can finally listen to heavy metal rock music (like Zeno said he’d like)
  7. Camila can teach Amity and BI co how to bake/cook WITHOUT fairies
  8. Luz can show everyone a beach day that doesn’t include boiling sea water
  9. Hunter learns what a banana is (whether he cares to or not)
  10. Willow, Vee, Luz and Amity get to have “girls night sleepovers”
  11. Gus and Hunter also do “boys only sleepovers” where they just watch Nat Geo and History channel shows (my headcanon come true)
  12. Luz and Amity can go on a boring date to get ice cream or something
  13. ⬆Bonus⬆ the rest of the gang spies on them from the bushes or with terrible disguises
  14. ⬆Double bonus⬆ Luz and Amity pretend not to notice the whole time

Feel free to add more!! I probably will

To add to the list

15. Willow goes to a public gym and puts big burly dude bros to shame

16. Hunter finally gets to learn what a flapjack is suggested by @blackwidowsaturn,@slutbot95and@i–dontevenexist

17. Amity learns what an actual sweet potato is

18. Luz gets everyone into anime and they all end up bing watching it

19. Vee gives a How To Pretend To Be A Human When You’re From The Demon Realm 101 crash course

20. Camila tries to bring them all grocery shopping and it ends in utter chaos (think that scene from the Yours Mine And Ours remake)

21. Willow gets a “Save The Bees” t-shirt

22. Amity gets super into human YA books

23. Gus and Hunter discover conspiracy theorist websites (I can’t express how much I want that)

24. Luz teaches everyone 21st century slang and swear words (Gus isn’t allowed to attend the swearing classes)

25. Camila takes them all to the zoo; it’s an interesting trip

25 ½. Gus gets to start on his project to reestablish communications with the giraffes suggested by @scourge728

26. ⬆Bonus⬆ Hunter hops the fencing on the enclosures to try to pet a lion and doesn’t understand why he can’t pet the big cat suggested by @hunters-flapjack

Will definitely keep adding to this so feel free to give suggestions!!!

Adding to the list

27. Luz makes everyone take the Hogwarts house test

28. Family (found counts) game nights that end in chaos (image those Monopoly memes)

29. ⬆Bonus⬆ family movie nights

30. The whole gang comes up with code words for when people ask too many questions about the BI crew’s appearance or where their from (it’s literally just the most random words)

31. ⬆Bonus⬆ Luz will just start doing terrible renditions of bird calls

32. ⬆Double bonus⬆ Hunter is so offended on Flapjack’s behalf

33. Vee introduces the BI crew to her camp friends


35. Amity and Hunter go to Hot topic

36. Luz videos BI crew trying weird human food for the first time (thinking about those videos of babies trying lemos lmao)

37. Willow, Gus and Hunter try out human sports to play like flyer derby

37. ⬆Bonus⬆ Luz does her cheerleader routine (you know the one) while Amity is too busy blushing to pay attention to anything else. Camila and Vee are just watching everything unfold from the sideline

38. They all go to an amusement park suggested by @iamannettecresselion

39. The whole gang goes to a Build-A-Bear Workshop (can’t handle the amount of pure joy that brings me-)

40. ⬆Bonus⬆ Hunter acts like he’s too old for it and he’s just going along with it for everyone else’s sake (It means so much to him to get another plushie though)

I’m having a lot of fun with this so I will probably add more. Feel free to add suggestions!!

I’ve done it again 4th add on to the list!

41. Luz introduces everyone to the time honored tradition of a NERF gun fight

42. ⬆Bonus⬆ Hunter keeps dramatically taking foam bullets for Gus and Willow (don’t over think it-)

43. Luz and Amity get girlfriend heart necklaces

44. ⬆Bonus⬆ They’re pride themed for their respective sexualities

45. Vee shows everyone how to make friendship bracelets that she learned from camp


47. Luz teaches BI crew the punch buggy game

47 ½. It gets banned after Amity and Hunter throw actual punches

48. They all go mini golfing (I can’t stop thinking about it!)

49. ⬆Bonus⬆ They argue over how gets what colored goofball (Camila has to just randomly assign them)

50. ⬆Double bonus⬆ Willow doesn’t understand why some of the plants are fake

51. ⬆triple bonus⬆ Whenever someone shoots a ball into the displays or water Hunter goes to get them (BI kids don’t understand why the employees get mad when he climbs on the displays or goes in the water)

52. Luz tries to teach the BI crew how to ride a bike (the results very… )

53. Amity gets a skateboard (they all end up decorating it)

54. They all play Just Dance (Hunter is weirdly good at it and it’s freaking everyone out)

54 ½. If you’ve seen Justice League Vs Teen Titans 2016 it’s like that scene where Damian and Beast Boy have a dance battle (this brings me absurd amounts of joy)

55. The BI crew is confused why the griffin eggs (aka chicken eggs) are so small

56. After doing some human history research BI crew absolutely roasts historical figures, especially us presidents

57. Luz teaches everyone meme culture (Vee and Hunter don’t understand it)

Will be adding more. No idea how long this will get so feel free to add suggestions! Thanks so much for all the love this has received!

Back with a part pt 5 of the human realm pros list!

58. Gus gets a book of weird human realm facts suggested by @has-brain-rot

59. ⬆Bonus⬆ Gus and Willow do a lot if research on bees for fun

60. Luz and Vee (Vee learned at camp) teach the rest of the BI how to make s'mores suggested by @has-brain-rot

61. Camila gets the BI crew to watch Chopped to learn about different human foods and now they’re all hooked (Vee already was)

61 ½. Amity, Willow and Vee get very invested in The Great British Bake Off

62. ⬆Bonus⬆ They end up having they’re own cooking competition (after #7.) And IT IS CHAOS

63. ⬆Double Bonus⬆ Gus and Hunter would probably end up lighting something on fire and or blow something up; they’re doing they’re best!

64. The BI crew sneaks out one night and absolutely TRASHES Philip’s side of the Wittebane brothers statue (to be clear this is after Hunter has already seen the statue)

64 ½. The BI crew gets a quick demo on what spray paint, saran wrap and Silly String are; they also use toilet paper, glitter and probably some props

65. Luz shows everyone a picture of Tinker Bell and everyone’s mind is blown because “THAT’S NOT A FAIRLY!!!”

66. ⬆Bonus⬆ Willow and Vee become very good at making fairy houses for fun

67. BI crew is introduced to Instagram filters and it ends up being a who thing (Gus likes it because it’s like human illusions)

68. Luz teaches everyone about stick/branch sword fights (Camila makes them switch to pool noodles after things get too intense) suggested by @has-brain-rot

68 ½. Luz is playing the Pirates Of The Caribbean theme in the back while also making lightsaber noises

69. Luz shows Gus and Hunter the games on her phone (like that meme hehe) and now they’re addicted

70.⬆Bonus⬆ They end up having an Angry Birds tournament (yes Hunter still uses technology like an old man)

71. They all go to a cat cafe suggested by @has-brain-rot

72. ⬆Bonus⬆ Amity is a cat magnet

73. ⬆Bonus to #53⬆ Gus is a natural at skateboarding because of the way he flys on his staff suggested by @has-brain-rot(genius)

74. ⬆Bonus to #57⬆ Luz shows everyone the grumpy cat meme and says it’s Hunter. Hunter does The Grumpy Boi Face™ (you know the one)

75. They go to one of those photo booths and go between taking turns and Luz trying to get everyone to squish together for a group photo

76. BI crew attempts karaoke, key word, attempts

77. Camila takes the gang to a Chuck E Cheese’s (the thought of Vee and Gus specifically at one is just SO wholesome)

78. ⬆Bonus⬆ Amity and Luz try to do that thing where couples try to win prizes for the other but they just keep getting flustered by the other (canon-)

79. ⬆Double bonus⬆ Willow is the ABSOLUTE QUEEN of the ring the bell sledgehammer game (I don’t what it’s called)

80. ⬆Triple bonus⬆ Hunter does that older sibling thing where you try to win the big prizes for your little siblings for Gus and Vee (Vee probably just ends up getting those little temporary tattoos and plastic rings)

80 ½: Hunter spends like all his tokens trying to win them prizes, it has varying results (kills it on the dance games though like #54)

Will be adding more because this is therapeutic :) Thank you all so much for all the attention this has gotten. Feel free to add suggestions!!

Adding a Pt 6 of The Pros List!

81. They all go to a botanical garden (Willow loves it of course)

82. ⬆Bonus⬆ Luz is taking pictures and videoing everything on her phone the whole time

83. Gus and Vee are going to become clothes thieves (I just get that vibe)

84. The girls go to a Sally’s or a Claire’s and get a bunch of hair stuff and make a day of it (like Willow and Amity in FAtCDP)

85. ⬆Bonus⬆ They convince Gus and Hunter to let them dye streaks into their hair

86. Luz shows everyone parkour videos on YouTube. Hunter gets super into them and trys to reenact them (Camila is not entirely thrilled by this)

87. Luz introduces everyone to the classic game of The Floor Is Lava

88. ⬆Bonus⬆ Gus jumps into Willow’s and Hunter’s arms a lot of the time, Amity and Luz are going to try to lift each off the ground, Willow and Vee are the friends that try to help the others on to chairs, Hunter either jumps to the nearest object like a scared cat or catches Gus, there’s no in between, Amity is required to push Hunter off the couch at least once (it’s the sibling instincts)

89. Luz introduces everyone to Tumblr (she absolutely has one) suggested by @applewmelon

90. They all get together to watch Jeopardy at the end of the day to help with learning human realm knowledge (and bonding of course). Vee gets a pretty decent amount right because of her time spent there already. Gus and Hunter love it because they’re giant nerds (lovely)

91. Luz and Camila teach everyone about Dominican culture (just yes)

92. Everyone gets a pair of crazy sunglasses (like Amity in RO)

92 ½. Camila does the mom thing and makes them all do a group photo with their sunglasses on

93. Amity gets a purple cat ear hoodie like Luz (cue the blushing)

94. Gus gets a squirtle hoodie (YESSS)

95. Willow and Vee get a little collection of succulents they share

96. Gus and Hunter try to go cryptid hunting and just end up finding an angry hoard of raccoons (kind of like that other post I made)

Wow, that was a lot. Thank you all again for all the support this list has received!! I will probably add more and might make a separate post if this list gets over a hundred pros. Feel free to keep adding suggestions!!

Back with a pt 7 to the Pros List!

97. Luz shows everyone what a proper rainy day should be like, meaning they all go out in the rain and have puddle jumping contests and play tag in the wet grass (BECAUSE THOSE KIDS DESERVE TO HAVE A POSITIVE EXPERIENCE IN NONE BOILING RAIN DANG IT!)

98. The first time they’re shown fortune cookies at least one of them thinks it’s some form of oracle magic (Luz is on the ground from laughing

99. Amity and Hunter get piercings (there are no parental units to stop them)

100. Luz spends like a solid two hours convincing everyone “that yes, the events in Captain America: The First Avenger, are indeed historically acurate”

101. ⬆Bonus⬆ They all believe it until asking Camila

102: ⬆Double bonus⬆ Luz is also trying to convince them that High School Musical is what a typical human school is like

103. They can all go on a hiking trail together (“No Hunter…, it’s not like the mountain trial”)

104. ⬆Double bonus⬆ They have to stop like every five minutes because Gus, Hunter and Vee saw a salamander scurry by and have to pick it up, Willow borrowed a camera and is stopping to take pictures of all the plants and Luz is trying to impress Amity by how fast she can climb a tree

105. Willow becomes a fan a of some of the local sports teams

106. Luz gets everyone to try the chubby bunny contest

107. Whenever the BI crew is confused about an object and Luz and Camila aren’t around, they make Hunter go and poke it to make sure it’s safe (like when you make the older sibling check something out)

108. They all watch a YouTube video on how to make glitter slime and it ends up EVERYWHERE

109. ⬆Bonus⬆ Amity makes her slime abomination purple

110. Luz shows everyone the old Muppets movies and the BI crew is confused on why they look like demons

110 ½ There a lot of “that one looks like professor Hermonculus!” “Gus… that’s Gonzo…” And “Why do those two remind me of Eberwolf…?” “Hunter- No. That’s Fozzy and Animal!”

I will probably make a separate post if I add more to this list, but feel free to keep adding suggestions! Thank you all so much for all the support and attention this has received!!
