#that are in danger



The worse this situation in Ukraine is getting the more i hate the jokes americans make about it. All of those “vladdy look at me this isn’t u ” “not me living through ww3” and “i don’t wanna get drafted” jokes are just in bad taste to me. If it were my country, i would not want people to joke about it this way.

And i see so many of them go “well we use humor to cope” literally from what? What do you need to cope from? The traumatic event of watching the news and seeing footage of something that’s happening hundreds of miles away from you? That’s no different from any other war that’s been happening over the last two decades though. Wars that America has very much been involved in. So why is this different to you? Because “white” countries are involved now?

Before you joke think about what you’re saying. American teens and young adults are probably as far removed from this conflict as can be, which is why you find it so easy to joke about this. I have also seen brits and other west europeans make jokes so ofc americans aren’t the only ones, but you are the majority. I have yet to see east europeans make jokes though. Why? Because they realize how serious this situation is and jokes don’t help.

Meanwhile Ukrainians have to sit and watch their land be invaded. They are losing their homes. I stand with Ukraine
