#that last one is especially choice content oh my



Whump prompts: infected wounds edition

Normally the chance of me seeing an ask in a timely fashion is slim-to-none but I did catch this anon request for an infected wounds edition of whump prompts, so here we are.

- a rookie assumes that wounds always hurt this much and his idols are just way tougher than he is, so he tries to be brave but it really sucks that he’s coming down with a virus as well because he feels awful, and… oh.

- injured and lost/abandoned/alone, he has just enough water to either stay hydrated, or to wash out the dirt from his cuts

- the team medic is either occupied saving someone’s life, or badly hurt and out of commission, so he keeps his mouth shut about his own injuries and tries to take care of them as best he can

- it’s not that serious of an injury so his team can’t understand why he’s so agitated about it but it just feels *wrong* right from the beginning and even he can’t tell whether it’s his anxiety/distress causing his heart to race, or something else

- he absolutely completely meant to get that cut properly seen to but other things kept getting pushed to the top of his priority list (like not being killed, etc) and now it’s suddenly and urgently something he needs to deal with *now*

- he technically has antibiotics in his medkit, but someone else needs them more, and he’s done a pretty good job of wound care, so he’ll be fine…

- getting hurt and realising that in his current situation, there’s no way to escape infection. He just needs to make it through the next two days and he can get medical attention, but in the meantime he just needs to soldier on, feeling the fever rising and his strength fading

- a teammate, eyes glassy, skin slick with sweat, hunched protectively over his arm/ribs/etc, unable to stop the cry of pain when he’s jostled

- a hand to the forehead and the shocked exclamation of “he’s burning up!”

- the nausea and the bone-wracking chills, skin feeling like it might split from the fire inside him, head pounding and consumed by the waves of pain that crash over him
