#that was so good



reblog this and tag with a food you no longer have access to (closed restaurant, state you moved away from, ex’s mom’s cooking, etc) that will haunt you until your dying day, mine are the spicy chicken sandwich on the employee menu at the fine dining restaurant I was a prep cook at, and the onion bagel from the kosher place down the street from my house when I lived in the city



Eddie Munson x reader (sorry couldn’t think of a better title)

Eddie Munson is your short term weed provider and long term best friend. You’ve known him since you were in elementary school. You befriended him in 3rd grade. Plus, most importantly, you loved to listen to him ramble on and on about whatever: D&D, music, guitars, bands, movies, and much much more.

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Patch You Up

Summary: Rafe turns up at your window, bloodied and bruised after getting into a fight.

You and Rafe had always been opposites, exuding energy so differing that it was a wonder you fit so well together, your relationship the perfect storm of peace and chaos.

Rafe was violence and rage and movement, a ship sailing a stormy sea, while you were the calm water waiting to envelope him, to steady his way, a beacon in the darkness for him.

Whether he’d stumbled into a fight, got too drunk down at the Island Club, or snorted what seemed like half of Barry’s supply, you’d be there with open arms. Maybe that made you a little naive, but you didn’t want to change Rafe, knew you couldn’t anyway. All you could do was love him, and you did that well.

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Brennan bringing proper physics into the magic of invisibility and blending that into Cerrit’s crazy good perception and his extensive training…. big brain hours, I’m such a fan.
