#thats exciting






We stan JiaHao


plaid shirt: my name is tyler and i’ve created a monster

[tyler voiceover]

let me explain:

this is my husband jiahao. one time, i asked him what his favorite game was to play when he was growing up and you know what he said? fire. so for his birthday, i got him a fire pit - see here.

things started out pretty innocent, he would disappear for long periods of time and send me pictures of burnt sweet potatoes, but that was okay.

then he bought a small power saw. THEN the stealing began. well, kind of. he began scouring the neighborhoods for dead trees that were being thrown away so he could drag them home and burn them.

yesterday he said he wanted to go on a long walk, but it was only because he saw sticks next door

jiahao: excuse me, make room

[tyler voiceover]

he also bought a small hatchet, which was a little concerning but um, i take full responsibility for enabling all of this

jiahao: successful. i’m so successful!

tyler: do i have plans of stopping him? no. because i like s’mores and the uh, the opportunity to eat s’mores in this house has increased by like, 200%

[end captions]

THIS is the gay agenda

potential arsonist x smores lover is my new favourite ship dynamic

bring marshmallows, we’ll make s’mores

we can smile and cuddle while

The fire roars!


Title: Etoiro Koizoushi -Mitsugetsu no Shou- / Record of Zodiac Love -Honeymoon Arc-

Author: Matsuo Isami / Isami Matsuo

Summary: Koma and Kotarou have been rescued but what will happen to the weasels? 

Read:Chapter 04
PreviousChapter 03 | Chapter 02  |  Chapter 01

Password: The name of the kitty in the cover (it’s still the same)

Notes: This chapter concludes the weasel story line so if anyone was waiting for this to end to start reading, you’re good to go!

**Please do not reupload or relink / reuse / retranslate this without my permission. Thank you!**

There is still another chapter plus extra to go for this volume, but that’ll take a little longer! Please let me know if you notice any mistakes, thanks!


In other Etoiro news! Some of the drama cd cast has been announced and it seems like it’ll be a nice adaptation!

Kota: Saitou Souma
Masataka: Shingaki Tarusuke
Koma: Nogami Shou
Sousuke: Uchida Yuuma
Nogi: Okitsu Kazuyuki
Kusunoki: Kamio Shinichirou

I have great faith in Shingaki-san and Souma-kun so the Masataka x Kota pairing I am happy with. I like Uchida Yuuma so I’m happy he’s Sousuke since that’d be adorable XDDD It’ll take them forever to get to Sousuke x Koma so I don’t think Nogami Shou has to worry about moaning under Uchida anytime soon LOL


If I didn’t like Nogi before, I would LOVE HIM NOW!! HAHAHA
I don’t know Kamio Shinichirou at all so I looked up voice samples and I can see him doing a pretty good Kusunoki! He has a similar voice quality to what I was imagining for Kusunoki XD 

The cd comes out in November 2020 so I’ll probably get it as an early birthday present for myself LOL.
