#thats the only way to be done with them

tami-taylors-hair:Even with Kate Middleton’s “common” (read: diverse, as in her grandparents weren’t


Even with Kate Middleton’s “common” (read: diverse, as in her grandparents weren’t cousins) genes, those two oldest kids are copy-paste Windsors. For a gene pool as shallow as the royals’, it sure is strong. Which I think proves they were about two generations from a Hapsburg jaw if Diana hadn’t been introduced into the mix.

And I know it’s a semi-formal event, but god they dress these kids weird. The oldest one looks like the president of fraternity at an SEC school’s parent weekend. Why have they dressed the youngest one in a sailor suit? Is he the last Czarevitch in 1912? He looks like just escaped his sick bed to play in The Secret Garden. It’s like their Talbot’s catalog mom just gave birth to two smaller Talbot’s catalogs and one Christopher Robin cosplayer.

Anyways, it’s weird that these three children are benevolently waving to people lined up to see them stroll down closed city streets in a tax-payer provided horse-drawn carriage. But I’m glad the Brits get a long weekend. Good for y’all.

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