#thats whats the best thing about it







why are people still calling Good Omens queerbaiting

Some are mad that the showrunners won’t label them as gay because the characters aren’t men, just male-presenting beings; some because there wasn’t a kiss or other moment of physical intimacy of a sexual nature and an asexual romance doesn’t count as rep to them because they don’t consider aces part of the queer community; some because the two didn’t say “I love you” even though their actions are all but screaming it and the story ends at a point where clearly neither are ready to say those words out loud to the other yet.

Some people want rep that gives them things on screen that NO ONE can argue is platonic, or claim that there is a straight explanation for, and that’s completely understandable. We should have more shows that give us that.

I just wish more of them understood there’s a difference between something that didn’t give them the specific kind of representation they were hoping for, and actual queerbaiting where the possibility of a queer relationship is dangled by the showrunners / writers / subtext but never confirmed or made overt.

I know I just reblogged this literally five seconds ago, but that was before it fully sank in that holy shit Neil Gaiman explicitly mentioned they might be ace.Neil fucking Gaiman. My identity has been explicitly mentioned in connection to two of my favorite characters,byone of my favorite authors, and I’m just sitting here trying not to cry because oh my god I didn’t realize how much that would mean to me until it HAPPENED.

I. God. Thank you, Gaiman, thank you so fucking much. Best pride month ever.

Neil Gaiman said ace rights (◕ᴗ◕✿)(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

He also explicitly mentioned that they could be aromantic, making him easily the most prolific and big-name author to ever reference aros in any way.
