#the admin chamomile



Hey y’all, it’s been a minute since I’ve been online to update the blog, but I wanted to let you know what was going on. 

I’ve been running Auideas since January 2015, back when I was still a senior in high school when I had time on my hands. At the peak of Auideas, I was making 3 to 4 regular posts a week, along with AU Friday lists, and then a Never Book quote on Saturdays. Plus, while this was going on, I was holding a part-time job while going to school as a full time student. 

In November 2017, it hit me that I couldn’t keep doing Auideas because for the past two (almost three) years, I hadn’t been able to entertain any of my old hobbies because of how busy I was. I had put all of my creative energy into the blog, and because of that, I couldn’t work on improving myself. 

Which leads me to now, October 2018. Auideas has been on hiatus since January 2018, and since then, I’ve been able to put that time toward cultivating my own original work. I’ve been able to complete old projects, and I’ve started work on my newest series: Arcane Distillery, a story about eldritch horrors and the occult. 

I still deeply love Auideas and I’m proud of what I’ve done here, but I feel like it’s time for me to move on. The blog isn’t going anywhere. It’s still going to be up for people to come back and reference, but I will no longer be answering any questions or taking au requests. 

At the moment, I’m not interested in letting anybody take over the blog. Maybe in the future, I’ll find somebody who genuinely wants to continue the legacy of Auideas, but for now, the blog is going to continue to be on hiatus.   

I want to thank y’all for the great times. It was genuinely a pleasure to watch Auideas grow to where it is now, and I couldn’t have done it without the work of Admin M, or the assistant admins over the years. I loved reading the works that were inspired by our posts, and I hope people keep finding inspiration in them even after we’ve all gone. 

Thanks for the years, 
Admin Chamomile of Auideas

[extra information] If you want to keep up with my current projects, you can check out my AO3, where I’m currently unloading all of my writing for Arcane Distillery, and for other misc. projects. If you really want to keep up with me, I’ve got a personal twitter, and a toyhou.se for my ocs. 

Again, I’m so thankful for having Auideas as a creative outlet from 2015 to 2018 and I’m sorry to announce that it’s going silent. I hope y’all find inspiration for all of your future stories.

Hey y’all, it’s been a minute since I’ve been online to update the blog, but I wanted to let you know what was going on. 

I’ve been running Auideas since January 2015, back when I was still a senior in high school when I had time on my hands. At the peak of Auideas, I was making 3 to 4 regular posts a week, along with AU Friday lists, and then a Never Book quote on Saturdays. Plus, while this was going on, I was holding a part-time job while going to school as a full time student. 

In November 2017, it hit me that I couldn’t keep doing Auideas because for the past two (almost three) years, I hadn’t been able to entertain any of my old hobbies because of how busy I was. I had put all of my creative energy into the blog, and because of that, I couldn’t work on improving myself. 

Which leads me to now, October 2018. Auideas has been on hiatus since January 2018, and since then, I’ve been able to put that time toward cultivating my own original work. I’ve been able to complete old projects, and I’ve started work on my newest series: Arcane Distillery, a story about eldritch horrors and the occult. 

I still deeply love Auideas and I’m proud of what I’ve done here, but I feel like it’s time for me to move on. The blog isn’t going anywhere. It’s still going to be up for people to come back and reference, but I will no longer be answering any questions or taking au requests. 

At the moment, I’m not interested in letting anybody take over the blog. Maybe in the future, I’ll find somebody who genuinely wants to continue the legacy of Auideas, but for now, the blog is going to continue to be on hiatus.   

I want to thank y’all for the great times. It was genuinely a pleasure to watch Auideas grow to where it is now, and I couldn’t have done it without the work of Admin M, or the assistant admins over the years. I loved reading the works that were inspired by our posts, and I hope people keep finding inspiration in them even after we’ve all gone. 

Thanks for the years, 
Admin Chamomile of Auideas

Thank you again to @writewritebaby​, @crystalpallette,@sanityscribbles​,  @akinohikari@amazing-spiderling@halcyonscry,  @greyjoysexual, @achryathesecond@goosegoddess@midgarsedge@whisper-run​, @archangelunmei@urchinoftokyo@galaxyaqua@zeroeffectivemaelstroms , @gintaxalvissforever@zenithharper,  @transhamburr@all-made-of-stardust​,  @ms-mormont@procrastinatingfantasywriter@zenithharper@bearer-of-embers@the-sparrow-life@tsucchi-writes,  and @whatnameshallitake for participating in the 2018 Auideas Advent Callendar event! 

We had a great time reading your submissions, and we hope everybody had a fun, relaxing holiday break. We’ll be back to our regular scheduling soon. 

-the admins of auideas 


Welcome to the twenty-fifth day of AAC. Here, we will have the next post for our annual writing challenge, so buckle up and start writing! (Remember that the completed speed writes of around 700 words are due by 11:00 a.m. EST on December 27th! [Also we’d recommend giving your work a title to make it really jump out to those who are reading them via the links provided {if you are posting to Archive of Our Own, remember to use our collection!}])

[Click Here for the Main Post]

Home for the Holidays AU

It’s winter break, but Character A doesn’t want to go back home to their family…it’s complicated.

Instead, Characters B and C invite Character A to spend the holidays at their apartment so that they can be in good company; cue Character A opening up about their family problems, general fluffiness, and some level of shenanigans!

Compiled List of Fics From the Previous AU…
