#the bad guys mr snake


Snake with glasses is so cute, he should’ve kept it

imagine if they’re sleeping on the same bed

doodle from story pitch meeting depicting wolf and snake having some domestic moment

Repost, because the tags didn’t work.

Talked about it before, but the creators of the bad guys movie did say that Wolf and Snake are parents of the group in a few interviews:

I edited two different interviews in a single video so you guys can see them talk about the bad guys being a family, and about Wolf and Snake being parents (mom & dad) of the group.

There’s also this interview where they talk about it.

(source 1,source 2)

@chaifootsteps@ben-the-hyena I saw your ask and I got you guys covered. The creators of the bad guys movie did say that Wolf and Snake are parents of the group in a few interviews:

I edited two different interviews in a single video so you guys can see them talk about the bad guys being a family, and about Wolf and Snake being parents (mom & dad) of the group.

Also, there’s this one.

(source 1,source 2)

The Bad Guys Movie interview, but it’s just Craig, Marc and Anthony making eachother laugh. I love them

Idk, this is just a compilation of different interviews combined together, where these 3 are just making others laugh and being kind of chaotic. Took forever to edit, and was originally 11 minutes long, so I cut it to 6 minutes.

I did my best


The Bad Guys Movie interview, but it’s just Craig, Marc and Anthony making eachother laugh. I love them

Idk, this is just a compilation of different interviews combined together, where these 3 are just making others laugh and being kind of chaotic. Took forever to edit, and was originally 11 minutes long, so I cut it to 6 minutes.

I did my best


So today, there was a live interview with director Pierre Perifel, and he revealed that there was going to be a flashback of how Wolf and Snake first met a teens;

Wolf wanted to play with others at school, but ends up in detention for something he hasn’t done (he said Wolf would end up in detention a lot for things he hasn’t done.) It’s then he met Snake, and they would have a conversation that goes like this:

Snake: “Why are you here?”

Wolf responds: “I wanted to play with the others. Why are you here?”

He replies: “Snake.”

Originally, their plan was to find a job together, and move on an island far away. It got cut because Pierre said it wasn’t the style he wanted for the movie, and he’s a lot happier with the final product as it is. HOWEVER! He didn’t left out the possibility of putting this flashback in a sequel and/or TV series.

I don’t know if this live interview has been posted online yet, but if it does, I’ll send the link.

ALSO! Someone during the Q & A section asked about Wolf and Snake’s relationship as a couple, and that scene when they fell in the love crater as they confess to eachother.. Pierre responded that he doesn’t know if it’s more than friendship or not, he said that, in his head, they’re not a couple, but he loves that people are interpreting them they way they see it and the liberation there is with it.


All of the deleted/alternative scenes from The Bad Guys Movie has been released, which is really cool! There are 5 of them total. You can watch all of them here.

However, I’m kind of sad they didn’t include the one I saw during the special live stream event with Adam Rosette, on April 26 (for those wondering what I’m talking about, here’s the post.) I really wanted you guys to see it. Like, was a really fun and silly scene. Oh well, you can’t have everything, huh?

But I love all 5 of the delete scenes. And this one here is one of my favorites, along side the alternative opening, of course. I feel not enough people are talking about it:

Btw, Adam Rosette is the scratch voice of both Marmalade and Wolf in the storyboards. He said it himself during the live stream I attended.


So…. I may or may not have had another episode… episodes…. >>;

So…. I may or may not have had another episode… episodes…. >>;

@bakurik got me to watch The Bad Guys during our call tonight. Hc, Snake takes everyone to court if they piss him off.

Fact, Marmalade can go get canceled on Twitter.

Have a good night, unless you’re marmalade.
