#the bat the cat and the wolf


Teen Wolf headcanon: werewolves are Not Morning People. Natural wolves’ sleep habits vary depending on time of year, but for the most part, they’re nocturnal. In summer, they might not start moving around until late evening/early night.

For bitten wolves, it’s not as bad. If they were morning people before, odds are they’re still morning people now. Even so, between the hours of 11 and 3, good fucking luck trying to get them to do any kind of strenuous activity. Wolf Brain says Too Hot.

Born wolves, however, is a whole nother ballgame. You wanna wake them up before noon? Best be ready to dodge some claws because they WILL take a swipe at whoever dares. Can’t even try the old ‘yoink the blankets’ trick because werewolf strength. And of course, you should never send one born wolf to wake up another, odds are they’ll just climb into bed with them and go back to sleep with bonus cuddles.

Derek is this weird kind of hybrid. Odds are, he will be awake on a given morning, but do not try and engage with him in any way, shape, or form before 10, or at least until he’s had minimum three cups of lycanthrope-strength coffee. And don’t ask him to wake up anyone else because no, he will not use his Alpha authority to get their asses out of bed, he will go “oh, den comfy,” and crawl into bed and go right back to sleep, and good fucking luck trying to get BOTH of them up. It does not matter whose bed it is, or who is in it. A warm bed is a warm bed, and snuggles are snuggles. This has happened with Peter.

Of course, not everyone tries to fight. Stiles, Allison, Lydia, as the pack’s mostly human members, are generally relegated breakfast tasks because they’re the only ones with enough functioning braincells, but sometimes they want to sleep in, too, and werewolves are cuddle-oriented. They don’t give up their snuggle-buddies easily. All they gotta do is cuddle up with their werewolf SO and mumble, “I’m cold, baby, hold me,” or anything to that effect, and BAM, they got a surefire wakeup call deflector.

Stiles is the worst about taking advantage of this. In fact, the little shit has specifically set things up so he can sleep in. He waits until Derek gets his first cup of coffee in before off-handedly suggesting, “Hey, wanna go wake up Erica?” because her room is closest to the kitchen, obviously. And off Derek shuffles, still too asleep to question it. Stiles waits ten minutes to be certain, then goes into Erica’s room, and yup, they’re both deadass asleep. He goes to the end of the bed and crawls up between them, and they move to let him in because yes, two snuggle-buddies is better than one, and voila, Stiles has now guaranteed himself another three hours of sleep because no one is suicidal enough to try waking up Derek and Erica at the same time. They’re not wakeup call deflectors, they’re a goddamn SHIELD WALL.

Allison, Lydia, the morning betas: Alright, everyone up, let’s go! Evil waits for no were! Good werewolves don’t sleep in, let’s move it.

Stiles, snuggled between Derek and Erica: Game, set, fucking match,bitches.
