#the black parade


Just wanted to point out how strong Mikey Way is. Imagine have to preform while your brother makes out with one of your close friends on stage, then basically fights the same friend on stage. Not to mention having to see your brother act like a cat in heat on stage by sticking his hand down his pants and basically deep throating microphones and so much more.

I admire the hell out of his strength. Cheers to Mikey lmao

Just got a nose bleed and my first thought was “haha Three Cheers aesthetic” mcr has RUINED ME!

I would really like to know why my nose randomly started bleeding though

Imagine being at a my chem show back in like 2005-2007 and they let you come on stage and you have like two seconds to take it all in before Frank just swings his guitar and accidentally knocks you the fuck out. Lmaoo

Happy birthday to this amazing man. Thank you for helping me get through life. Thank you for helping so many other people. You put into words what a lot of us were feeling. Thank you for telling us to believe in ourselves and that we were all beautiful no matter what we looked like. To your music to your comics I adore it all. Thank you for being an inspiration. Most of all thank you for being you. I hope you have an amazing day and you have many more. I love you so much Gerard Way <3

Be yourself, don’t take anything from anyone, and never let them take you alive. - Gerard Way

I’ve been wanting to draw my favorite band for a while now, so I did. 

I’ve been wanting to draw my favorite band for a while now, so I did. 

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Submitted by @stmichale

The Garden of Hesperides // There’s a place in the dark all the animals go

Art by @stmichale

Something I drew for Halloween, but I only finished now so… here u go random HHr in band outfits


now come on come all to this tragic affair

the end ~ my chemical romance

bringing this back now that mcr has risen from the grave
