#the blacklist spoilers


I feel cheated!!!!!! I feel cheated!!!!! I feel cheated!!! Did I know they were going to make the storyline Katarina became Red? Yes I have known that for at least 3 seasons. However after all the mystery all the intrigue the reveal felt anti climatic in a big way. After following this show for 8 years and being a faithful follower I felt like a kid on Christmas that ended up with the Dollar Store Barbie instead of Mattel’s Malibu Barbie! I wanted a meaningful answer to all my questions all the mysteries, all the webs that the writers had weaved! Did I get it? Did any of us get that? Nooooooo

We got a rushed explanation thrown together in black and white and tied up with a purple bow. They want us to believe that Dom cared so little about Katarina he gave her to men to women and put her in grave danger but then moved heaven and earth to keep her safe??? They want us to believe that the Tacoma house was so meaningful to Katarina because she played nanny sometimes when Carla wasn’t home that she blew it up to forget what happened there???? What happened there??? How did Katarina have a bloody Christmas Eve Story?? How did Katarina know Sam??? So bubble girl was Jennifer but she didn’t seem to mean anything to Katarina. Katarina didn’t really love the real Reddington? Did Mr Kaplan know about Red being Katarina?? Why was Katarina so concerned over Carla in the second season with Berlin? We were fed fast explanations and treated like casual viewers and I for one feel cheated!!!

Dear Blacklist Writers,

I want my eight years back! This wasn’t what you promised!

I have been a theorist for this show for 8 years now and all I have ever wanted is answers to the following

1. The Tacoma House

2. Bloody Christmas Eve Story

3. Bubble girl

4. The Ballerina daughter

And now that it is here it feels rushed. I like the puzzles but the writers kept us in suspense for so long it just doesn’t seem like we get the time needed to unwrap all of this information.

With the news that Megan Boone is leaving has come a lot of mixed emotions. I will say that dark Liz was never a good character. It wasn’t in her wheelhouse to play a villain and it showed constantly with every episode. Megan Boone needed Ryan Eggold to play off of. When he left the show lost a lot of its punch especially when it came to Elizabeth Keen’s character. Just my opinion

If the writers pull off a fabulous unloading in 2 episodes I’ll be shocked but it will still feel rushed.

I’m sure we all had a scar theory and some of the best theorist on tumblr was right Liz’s scar is just a scar but Red picked the Baltic Sea as home of his operations because of that scar.

We now know three things:

1. The Blacklist is a REAL PLACE

2. Liz scar gave inspiration to Reds empire location

3. The Scorisky Archive or (however you spell it) wasn’t used to blackmail it was a gift to Katarina to build Red’s empire

Also here is my theory for the rest of the season:

Red is Katarina or Katarina’s cyranoid not sure about this one just yet

Townsend will take Agnes hostage

Ressler or Aram or Cooper or Dembe will give their life in the efforts to get Agnes back

Next season the task force will be rogue

How about your theories??


I’m already crying
