#the boyz series




lounged on bean bags, sprawled across the sofa circled around the fire. several mince pies already eaten and chocolate chip cookies have been scoffed whilst you and the boyz continue your christmas movie marathon. completely forgetting what time it is before dropping to sleep, one by one.



“babe hurry up!” your boyfriend, sunwoo, whined from outside the changing room. the two of you opted for going christmas jumper shopping with the purpose of a party you both were invited to, except you both went your separate ways, wanting to surprise one another. taking a step out of the changing room, shock evidence on your faces as you realised you both picked those cringey ‘im with them’ type christmas jumpers. you wore them nonetheless and embraced the tackiness of the clothing.



you, your husband jacob and your two little children cuddled up against one another, woolly socks embracing your feet as you were all matched in festive pyjamas as christmas film after christmas film played on the tv screen. childish giggles escaping your bundles of joy every so often at the funny antics displayed in front of their eyes, earning proud gazes from you and jacob.



younghoon’s eyes widened as he immediately sat up straight due to the fact that you turned on the speaker - “coincidentally” placed on his beside table - on full blast, the tune of rockin’ around the christmas tree blasted directly into his ear drums. if it were anybody else, he’d turn over and cover his head with the covers; opting that his love for you and your obsession with christmas, wanting to see that smile he loves so much on your face, joining you in your karaoke-style performance.
