#the cuteeeest

sharkowskii: Late Arno’s Birthday~!Its wip has been abandoned for almost two years omg xDThank you @sharkowskii: Late Arno’s Birthday~!Its wip has been abandoned for almost two years omg xDThank you @


Late Arno’s Birthday~!

Its wip has been abandoned for almost two years omg xD
Thank you @shayromi for helping me correcting it TvT youre always so sweet~

Elys and Arno belongs to @shayromiuwu)/ 

Consider to supporting me on ko-fi!
✨☕KO-FI☕✨ Please check the benefits!

bonus doodle sharky did, it was too cute I had to share ✨

My heaaart !!

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sharkowskii: Happy B-Day Elys!!~ Elys belongs to @shayromi uwu)/ Consider to supporting me on ko-fi!sharkowskii: Happy B-Day Elys!!~ Elys belongs to @shayromi uwu)/ Consider to supporting me on ko-fi!


Happy B-Day Elys!!~

Elys belongs to @shayromiuwu)/ 

Consider to supporting me on ko-fi!
✨☕KO-FI☕✨ Please check the benefits!

Sorry for the delay, I want to post this the same day~ QAQ

College was a mega-punch in my poor free time’s face, all this is really hard right now, I need a break to doodle happily~ TT-TT

I loooove

I want pizza cake too uhuhu

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