#the devils music

I’ve been working very hard on a five-page update to wrap up the episode and it’s done! It’s finally

I’ve been working very hard on a five-page update to wrap up the episode and it’s done! It’s finally done!!!


and if you have friends who like punk rock demons? hey, tell them about my comic.

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The Devil’s Music

O Devil, hear the music rise

The one of which you’ve been smitten

O Devil, fear their infernal cries

In which your fall has been written

O Sinner, the climax is coming soon

But first, the eternity’s rest

O Sinner, you lead this sorry tune

Of which is your final test

O Monarch, here lies the end of your war

So pick well your words that you say

O Monarch, the pen is mightier than the sword

But the pen declares war today

O Prideful, your heart acts after your head

And pleads as the melody soars

O Prideful, she is not one to dread

So listen to what she implores

O Avariced, as your part fades away

Know that they still shall rise

O Avariced, please know what they say

That one day, the sun again shall rise

O Envious, you lost that you hold dear

But never shall it be forgotten

O Envious, be strong despite the fear

And fight against he who’s so rotten

O Wrathful, be warned at magic’s cost

The Devil’s song is not easily swayed

O Wrathful, bring back one who is lost

So they may see the light of day

O Lustful, your mercy is soon to die

As the song strikes the minor chord

O Lustful, it’s a fate you had to find

Do not feel regret for actions not yours

O Voracious, your gift may go unsung

But your assistance is important yet

O Voracious, the night is still young

Even if it is you they forget

O Restful, the burden you carry

Is greater than those you surround

O Restful, the fall of your adversary

Shall echo that beautiful sound

O Children, heed the warning of stars

And carry the melody bright

O Children, the sun shall be ours

And we shall escape eternal night

O Devil, hear the music rise

The song that once you did write

O Devil, the music, still it flies

But the sound is no longer yours tonight

