#the disastrous life of saiki k


This animation is so wonderful

I have no idea how or why, but thank you for 500 followers

Someone on Reddit figured this out, so I had to gif it. The girl Kaidou saved from the snake is the same one who gave him chocolates on Valentine’s Day.

And here’s today’s drawing, Aiura-san! She says something about the future looking awful, I think. This is hard to translate for me

By the wording of Sensei’s tweet, it seems like this is his final daily drawing. This was wonderful!

And here’s today’s drawing.

Toritsuka: hey. Is that lint that you caught?

Saiki: Corona Virus

Toritsuka: you can see it!?

Oh, sensei is a little early on this one today

I can only pick up that Nendou is asking Kaidou what’s up and Saiki is stating something about video games





A certain nation? ERASED THE NATION?


H E W A S F O U R?

*sips on a cup of tea*

Yeah lol

I like to theorize the deserted place Saiki uses to train is probably that nation, how else would he know that area? *shrugs*


Sensei’s new drawing

He posted it late but this is today’s drawing.

Btw I’m officially dead after seeing this drawing, I LEAST expected it

I should mention Asou-sensei basically stated he’ll be doing this for about one more week. It looks like this is all to celebrate the 8th anniversary of the serialization. So kind of him

Sensei couldn’t draw anything today so as consolation he basically told us he somewhat storyboard the final scenes of Reawakened episode 6

Nendou: Oh since school is out in vacation, let’s go to the park, dig a hole and just be stupid!“

"Stop, that’s unnecessary!”

Kuboyasu: Good thing I got a lot of them from back then
