#the doctor



↳ day one: favourite doctor

“I’d like to see a butterfly fit into a chrysalis case after it spreads its wings.”


“This is fine.”

The doctor at my work when COVID starts spiking again

So I am expecting that all Whovians have seen this Saturday’s episode of Doctor Who entitled “Hide”. Now it was another great episode but one little paragraph at the end of the episode had us all in tears. The Doctor makes a blatantly obvious reference to non other than Rose Tyler. The girl forever allowed to have The Doctor but unable to have the real him. Stuck now in a paradox universe, Rose has gotten a gift no other companion could have. She has The Doctor all to herself in the form of the meta-crisis Doctor. The quote that brought all of those Rose feels back is this:
“Boy and girl fall in love, get separated by events, or politics and accidents in time. Since then they’re been yearning for each other across time and space, across dimensions. This isn’t a ghost story. It’s a…love story.”
There you have it, start crying because it has activated those Rose feels. This little collection of words has a bigger impact on the whole series than we can imagine. The Doctor is telling us he still misses Rose, misses her more than we can ever imagine. The events that happen in this episode just show how much he misses her. The Doctor can go across different dimensions to retrieve this create and reunite it with its lover but he cannot do that with Rose. Even if he could right now I don’t think he would as she is with the meta-crisis Doctor and it was many years ago for him. It just shows that The Doctor misses each and every one of his companions as they are his family.
Now Clara Oswin Oswald seems to be having some major similarities with our beloved Rose Tyler. Here are a few you may or may not have noticed…

Clara has the same sass as Rose. She comes out with sayings that Rose would come up with quite proudly and her need for adventure is just like hers. The two cannot just sit around eating chips, they need to get up and do something with their lives as the ones back home are boring or full of guilt.

When Clara is telling us the story of her leaf we are shown more than we can handle. Little details Moffatt is using to destroy our lives it seems. When the leaf blows in front of her dads face, he is nearly ran over by a car. A car all to familiar to The Doctor. This car killed Rose’s dad, Pete Tyler, after the Krillitian forced him to go outside and accept his fate that Rose stalled for a couple of hours. Could this be the same car? Maybe. Just keep your eyes out as you never know….

In the first episode in the second half of series seven we are given a storyline full of internet control. Now when Clara rings up The Doctor he asks her how she got the phone number as the TARDIS phone number shouldn’t be freely given out. Clara replies that the girl in the shop gave it to her. Rose works in a shop in her universe and knows the TARDIS phone number. Could this be Rose knowing that The Doctor is looking for Clara?

Clara may be the child, or great grandchild, of Rose and the meta-crisis Doctor. Now I would love it if this happened as it would show that The Doctor and Rose started a family together and grew old together, just as they both wanted but could never have. It would explain why the TARDIS doesn’t like her as she is an anomalie of time. A half time lord and a human have a child would mean Clara is a quarter time lord

Now, the big fifty. Ten and Rose are back but I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about it being the meta-crisis and Rose but I really don’t think that is the case. This is The Doctor and Rose as you can tell because of the old TARDIS in many shots. I myself think that when The Doctor sees Rose he will ultimately be heartbroken, he cannot reveal who he is. This will be an emotional scene and acting wise I think it will be perfect. Pictures have been released of Ten and Eleven conversing around the old TARDIS, this may mean that the each other now know who they are. Have a look at our Doctor Who 50th anniversary photo spread after this post and you may just go mad with excitment…

doctor and patient (´-ω-`)doctor and patient (´-ω-`)

doctor and patient (´-ω-`)

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