#the drarry librarian with friends



To celebrate their new direction and get some insights into the how and why the blog is changing, I invited @sitp-recs to chat with me. We knew we’d have so much fun, and didn’t want to leave any patrons out, so we recorded our conversation to share. I’ll be DL, in bold, and sitp-recs is SP. I hope you enjoy getting a bit of behind the scenes of how we run our blogs, finding balance in fandom, and our friendship.

DL: First of all, Happy New Year! I’m so glad we could finally sit down and chat like we’ve been trying to do for….4 months now? 5 months? Lol

SP: Happy New Year! I’m so ready for 2022. Hopefully it will be a gentler year to us all. And I know, right? It’s been months and so much has changed between then and now, but I’m happy we’re doing this to start the year. Good omens! Thanks for the invite by the way, I’m really humbled by it.

DL: You’re so welcome! I’m ecstatic to have you, so I’m glad we made it work. And a gentler and kinder year is the best wish for 2022. Did you set any New Year’s Resolutions in relation to your blog?

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Reblogging this to celebrate @sitp-recs blog anniversary! Liv brings so much to our fandom and I’m so thankful for her friendship, positivity, and amazing recs. Join me and give her a shout out today and make sure she knows how loved and appreciated she is! ❤️
