#the eagle fic


One day I’ll write a longer The Eagle-story, but until then Marcus and Esca are a writing excercise for me. I’m very unsure about my writing for these characters, getting the tone right and understanding their reasoning and wants. It’s kind of daunting writing them when I feel so unsure, but it’s also really fun and challenging, and I think it’s good for me! For some reason they don’t “come to me” as easily as say Sterek or Pike/Tyler, I have to really consider whether they’d do what I have them do in the fics. Hopefully it makes me put more thought into my other stories as well.

This one I loved the idea for, about how Marcus’ injury affects their sex and how it impacts his confidence as “a man”. I would’ve loved to go deeper into that, but one, I have no idea about such things, and two, that would’ve left it hanging on my computer for another year and gone nowhere but a self-indulgent psychotherapy hole, so no. This is what you get, with a random xmas-ending ‘cos that’s where my muse took me.

Oh yeah, the title. Yeah, it sucks but like, it was so obvious everything else would’ve been too forced.
