#the gemstone collection


Meow Monday, everyone!

We Have Some Fun Creative News!

Louis helped me test out one of our newest Critter Crafting Cat Mats a few days ago. He’s a good little meowdel when he wants to be. Luckily, our new Garnet Crochet Cat Mat passed his test and met his high standards!


What We Plan to Do

I made the Garnet Cat Mat before I came up with a new collection idea for my shop – birthstone-themed Cat Mats! Each month, I plan to list at least one dedicated Cat Mat corresponding with that month’s birthstone. (Someone, hold me to this, please!)

I can’t take all the credit – my super creative friend/the kitties’ auntie, Lauren, suggested the idea and I absolutely loved it.

January: the Garnet

January’s birthstone is the garnet. Garnets used to be called “carbuncles” and are referenced throughout Biblical stories and Ancient Rome, where they were commonly used in trade. In Ancient Egypt, garnets were considered prized possessions for the afterlife.

I’m partial to this stone because my birthday is in January, but I genuinely like the color independent of that fact. I used to wish I had a different one because, oftentimes, garnets are portrayed rather dimly or darkly. However, real garnets are bright and beautiful, just like this lovely red-hue!

Now, technically, the color yarn I used is called “burgundy,” but I think it is more of a garnet anyway.

Tabby cat with red crochet Cat Mat with Soft White Detail from Critter Crafting

Very Important: the Cat Mat Details

The Garnet Cat Mat measures about 16 inches by 16 inches. It will likely stretch out with use, wash, and wear. The largely square shape makes it ideal for cat trees or beds.I’m partial to putting our Cat Mat on the cat trees and letting the kitties move them around as they wish. Sometimes, they wind up in the funniest places! We found a bunch under the bed when we replaced our box spring with a new Ikea storage bed.

The Garnet Cat Mat is $20 + shipping. We have two of these beautiful blankets available right meow! Click here to check it out.


Do you love your birthstone? If you ordered a Cat Mat from our Birthstone Collection, would you purchase your birthstone or your furbabies?

Critter Crafting Teal & Blue Stretching Cat with Yarn Logo
Keep up with the latest from Critter Crafting!
Instagram: @kinglouisthexvii and #crittercrafting

We’re crocheting up something new and exciting over here for the Critter Crafting shop! Check out our post about it to learn more.

Meow Monday, everyone! We Have Some Fun Creative News! Louis helped me test out one of our newest Critter Crafting Cat Mats a few days ago.

We’re crocheting up something new and exciting over here for the Critter Crafting shop! Check out our post about it to learn more. Meow Monday, everyone! We Have Some Fun Creative News! Louis helped me test out one of our newest Critter Crafting Cat Mats a few days ago.

Meow Monday, everyone!

Louis helped me test out one of our newest Critter Crafting Cat Mats a few days ago. He’s a good little meowdel when he wants to be. Luckily, our new Garnet Crochet Cat Mat passed his test and met his high standards!


I made the Garnet Cat Mat before I came up with a new collection idea for my shop – birthstone-themed Cat Mats! Each month, I plan to list at least one dedicated Cat Mat corresponding with that month’s birthstone. (Someone, hold me to this, please!)

I can’t take all the credit – my super creative friend/the kitties’ auntie, Lauren, suggested the idea and I absolutely loved it.

January’s birthstone is the garnet. Garnets used to be called “carbuncles” and are referenced throughout Biblical stories and Ancient Rome, where they were commonly used in trade. In Ancient Egypt, garnets were considered prized possessions for the afterlife.

I’m partial to this stone because my birthday is in January, but I genuinely like the color independent of that fact. I used to wish I had a different one because, oftentimes, garnets are portrayed rather dimly or darkly. However, real garnets are bright and beautiful, just like this lovely red-hue!

Now, technically, the color yarn I used is called “burgundy,” but I think it is more of a garnet anyway.


The Garnet Cat Mat measures about 16 inches by 16 inches. It will likely stretch out with use, wash, and wear. The largely square shape makes it ideal for cat trees or beds.I’m partial to putting our Cat Mat on the cat trees and letting the kitties move them around as they wish. Sometimes, they wind up in the funniest places! We found a bunch under the bed when we replaced our box spring with a new Ikea storage bed.

The Garnet Cat Mat is $20 + shipping. We have two of these beautiful blankets available right meow! Click here to check it out.


Do you love your birthstone? If you ordered a Cat Mat from our Birthstone Collection, would you purchase your birthstone or your furbabies?

Keep up with the latest from Critter Crafting!
Instagram: @kinglouisthexvii and #crittercrafting

Birthstone Cat Mat Collection

Meow Monday, everyone! Louis helped me test out one of our newest Critter Crafting Cat Mats a few days ago.

Birthstone Cat Mat Collection Meow Monday, everyone! Louis helped me test out one of our newest Critter Crafting Cat Mats a few days ago.