#the god at the back of the bus


OK, it’s official. I’m making a Google Doc for this sucker. If you want in, pm me an email address. You’ll get an invite by end of next week.

For those who came in late, I can’t go to protests because of my PTSD, and I can’t fight with money because I make shit, so I’m joining the fight against Cheeto supremacy by writing a YA novel. And you can help, if you want, by being a beta.

The novel is an idea I’ve had for a while but held off on writing. Its protagonist is a teenage girl living with her abusive alcoholic father. She has an unexpected encounter with a monster out of Norse mythology and ends up drafted into a quest to recover Loki’s lost memories and prevent Ragnarok. The quest is complicated by her trauma, her father’s abuse, and the secret she’s never told anyone–that she is demisexual.

I’ve held off writing this book because I knew it would out me as demi to my (religious fundamentalist) family, and I treasure my relationship with my mother. But I’ve decided that it’s more important to be a voice for the next generation of queer kids, coming of age in Cheeto America. If a book like this had existed when I was 16, I wouldn’t have thought I was broken. I can’t stop my family from denying my human rights. But I can, like my protagonist, turn my wounds into beauties and use my pain to help soneone else.

I also tell a ripping good yarn; for evidence, see my AO3.

Anyway, pm me an email address to join the betas on this book, working titled “The God at the Back of the Bus”. Let’s show the fuckers what we’re made of (namely magic, caffeine, and sarcasm).

I’m writing that novel (working title: The God at the Back of the Bus) and I need a reading group. People who read YA fiction. I’m taking volunteers.

I also need a way to post chapters securely online so that the reading group can access it but it’s not just open to everybody (I can’t pitch it to a publisher that way). I don’t know how to do that, though, so I’d appreciate any suggestions you guys can offer.

Anybody with ideas or website suggestions, pm me. Volunteers, pm me. I can have Chapter 1 ready to go within a couple of weeks. Ace/demi protagonist, abuse survivor, standing up for a whole lot of scared, lonely kids against the gods themselves. Let’s get this done before the First Amendment gets gutted.

I have PTSD and physically can’t go to a protest march. I don’t make enough money to wield financial power. But I can write the shit out of a story, and I’m willing to do whatever I can to stand up for people who have even less power than I do.

In the words of Peggy Carter: “No. You move.”

Hit me up.
