#fuck this shit



And I’m scooped. My project was published in another organism yesterday. Fuck me.



The fact that I reported a puppet account for saying Black people deserved slavery and was given a bullshit “that’s their opinion” response yet staff has deleted 3 of my Black mutuals on the same fucking day tells my that @staff is racist and that Black Excellence banner is only for fucking show. Y'all will let Black bloggers be harassed, but God forbid one of them says fucking white women. With fucking full blown pesos and white supremacists on your fucking site too. Hope your building blows up

Reblog this you fucking cowards. There’s been a ridiculous uptick in staff deleting Black bloggers over the smallest shit while ignore nonblack and white ones that send actually racist and triggering shit.


Just saw THIS holy shit.

holy shit is RIGHT. also,, like,,,,, stark doesn’t need to be a “badass Assassin” in order to “make Team Cap fear him for real” because his suit is literally a weapon of mass destruction

also this whole stuff about stark killing the members of team cap as if the tony stans weren’t out here yelling about how evil steve was for “”“”“attempting to kill”“”“”“” stark (he wasn’t attempting to kill him. he was trying to stop him from killing bucky) (also i would fully support steve if he had killed stark)

Healthy ways to cope with the toxicity of academia? You mean drinking wine, that was on sale, and watching The Chase?

Ich schaue in den Spiegel, doch erkenne mich nicht wieder.

Dieser leere Blick, diese Gefühle von Wertlosigkeit / Trauer/ Wut / Selbstzweifel / Schuld etc. , der Drang sich zu verletzen und hoffen das es bald vorbei ist.

Diese leere ein ewiger Begleiter…







Do y'all remember how Trump declared during his 2016 campaign that women should be punished for having abortions and that potential fathers should have no culpability? How Trump stated that he would appoint justices to the Supreme Court who would overturn Roe v. Wade? How voters, pro-choice activists and organizations, Planned Parenthood, and Democratic politicians like Hillary Clinton warned that the 2016 Presidential Election would impact reproductive rights in this country for decades to come? That Supreme Court vacancies were the most significant issue facing the county? But people decided that Hillary Clinton was somehow “just as bad as Trump” and took the gamble that Roe v. Wade couldn’t possibly be overturned, that women would not actually face severe consequences because of a Trump presidency?

Last year, Texas devised S.B. 8, a de facto ban on all abortions, and despite the fact that it clearly violates Supreme Court precedent, Trump’s three nominees to the Court refused to strike down the law. In the wake of that ban, a woman in Texas was arrested on murder charges for allegedly inducing an abortion. While the charges were eventually dropped, the mistreatment she faced sends a message to all women in Texas. And it’s not just Texas. Across Republican-controlled legislatures, abortion bans are sweeping the nation. And today, the Republican Governor of Oklahoma, Kevin Stitt, signed into law a de facto ban that criminalizes providing an abortion:

Oncethe law goes into effect, anyone who provides an abortion will face a felony charge of up to ten years in prison and a fine up to $100,000. There are no exceptions for rape or incest.

Republicans told everyone exactly what they would do if they took power. But for some reason, people chose not to take them at their word, they trivialized concerns about the Supreme Court, about reproductive rights, they bought into propaganda and misinformation, and here we are. Because Trump was able to stack the Court with three conservative justices (which are all lifelong appointments), he and the GOP have effectively killed Roe v. Wade, but it’s innocent women across this country who will carry that burden.

That harm can’t be undone, but we can still change course. I’m choosing to underscore the myopic discourse of 2016 not because I want to shame people who protested voting but to emphasize the fact that the future harm was so understated. No matter what people say about 2022 and 2024, about how Biden or any other Democrat is “just as bad as [literal fascist],“ their claims will pale in comparison to the reality of Republicans taking power again. Queer rights,free speech rights to even just talk about race and racism, voting rights, freedom to protest and engage in political activism—all of these basic civil liberties are at risk if people choose to repeat the mistakes of 2016. If Trump’s election proved anything, it’s that no one can predict just how much devastation can be inflicted by choosing not to vote.

Midterm elections are coming up. If we want to codify Roe v. Wade and open the door for Biden to sign life-changing legislation into law, we need to reshape Congress and put progressive lawmakers into positions where they can remove the filibuster. We need to vote.



The Republican-dominated Kentucky legislature overrode Democratic Governor Andy Beshear’s veto of the state’s anti-abortion bill. Unlike the aforementioned Oklahoma abortion ban, which doesn’t become effective until Summer, the Kentucky ban is effective immediately. Advocates claim that Kentucky will be the first state forced to halt all abortion procedures, as the law is the most restrictive one to take effect. It has no exceptions for rape or incest.

Update (again):

The Republican Governor of Florida and presumptive 2024 Presidential Candidate, Ron DeSantis, just signed into law a de facto ban on all abortions. It has no exceptions for rape or incest. It goes into effect on July 1st, 2022.

The Supreme Court, in a draft majority opinion written by Justice Alito, has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Also, to my fellow cis gay men who often seem to ignore/overlook reproductive rights, this Supreme Court opinion suggests that fundamental gay rights are on the chopping block next:

“Respondents … rely on post-Casey decisions like Lawrence v. TexasandObergefell v. Hodges. These attempts to justify abortion through appeals to a broader right to autonomy and to define one’s ‘concept of existence’ prove too much. Those criteria, at a high level of generality, could license fundamental rights to illicit drug use, prostitution, and the like. None of these rights has any claim to being deeply rooted in history.”

For those who don’t know, Lawrence v. Texas was a landmark queer rights case because it struck down laws that criminalized homosexual intercourse. Obergefell v. Hodges is the landmark case that legalized same-gender marriage. And in this opinion, the Court implies that these freedoms are comparable to allowing drug use and prostitution, it explicitly says that these rationales have gone too far, and that these rights are not rooted in American history. The Court is showing its hand and how it views what it perceives to be Court-created rights (abortion, gay marriage, gay sexual intercourse, etc.). Basically, the Court seems to be overturning the framework of substantive due process rights, which is the doctrine that creates these basic rights. If abortion rights can be overturned on this logic, so will queer rights.

If you think the Court is going to just stop with reproductive rights, that cis queer men are going to be spared, with all due respect, you’re a fucking moron. You need to be concerned about this too, even if you don’t have a uterus. You should be as outraged about this as you are with the Don’t Say Gay law.

Alsodirectly targets contraceptives.

And indirectly aims to supersede all court precedents, making all civil rights they have ever decided on at risk.

I don’t care what party you claim to be. You need to ask yourself do you believe in democracy or plutocracy? Do you believe in majority rule or authoritarianism? 


I’m not back. I just found this out today and so let’s talk about this… cuz it gets weird

So T’s been in a relationship for 7+ years



He married a woman. (This shuts down all rumours he was… yk️‍)

She’s french. A language teacher.

(At this point I was genuinely worried he was married to a member of staff who fits desc)

And they came to England TOGETHER!!!!

M was talking abt this all to ’s class, saying how T moved to a new part of Germany so he only knows his WIFE…

I feel lied to.

I dedicated baso 5 years of my life and this french bitch dedicated 7…

There’s no engagement ring on his finger. No promise ring no nothing!!!!

He never mentioned her. (Maybe bc he didn’t want to crush my dreams)


Bc my DT teacher “”JOKINGLY”” said T got married before he left… & when I got upset she was like “jkjk not actually”

Oh how she fooled me…

So I will be having words with her next time I see her. Better watch herself.


I see a man who is the SPITTING IMAGE of T in a car drive pass… this better be a sign. This better be a fucking SIGN!!!!

I can’t-

I mean… if I found this out like a year or two ago I would of been fucking destroyed like REALLLL fucked up… but I can deal with it to an extent, still kinda traumatic but whatevs

So I guess this is once again bye

Unless anything else happenes

T comes back to whisk me away and leave his wife

Or if when I go to collage there’s some absolute dump trucks of teacher ass

So for the hopefully final time baiiiiiii xd

— K

Healthcare in the US sucks.

It really…just…sucks.

There’s this big influenza epidemic this year. This has been the worst flu season in like 8 years I believe and the ER rooms have been flooded with patients. 

But I don’t have the flu.

I have acid reflux and if you’re not familiar, its when your belly gets bloated, you hiccup nonstop and other symptoms like chest pain and what not. How it comes about, there are a variety of reasons as to why mostly with if you eat too much greasy food, eaten something different from your normal diet, etc. Its been a week I’ve had it and the hiccups and bloating have gone down immensely but that chest pain is still there and very uncomfortable. People keep telling me to go to the hospital but I hate going for:

  1. Unhelpful
  2. Long wait
  3. Expensive

And that’s exactly what I got from it. I waited 4 hours to receive only a max of 10 minutes of actual face to face interaction with a doctor, a trash doctor, a higher dosage of the medicine I am currently taking, and a $100 copay bill.

I could’ve stayed home and suffered for all of this

Get angry folks. Register to vote. Make sure your money is not going to the wrong businesses. Sign p

Get angry folks. Register to vote. Make sure your money is not going to the wrong businesses. Sign petitions. Call your elected officials. Don’t just say “Meh, there’s nothing I can do about it.” If you do, they win.

Post link

my family and I went on a trip to the beach and we all came back with different diseases. Apollo and Poseidon have addresses a curse to my bloodline, wrongfully, attempting to end all our lives.

OK, it’s official. I’m making a Google Doc for this sucker. If you want in, pm me an email address. You’ll get an invite by end of next week.

For those who came in late, I can’t go to protests because of my PTSD, and I can’t fight with money because I make shit, so I’m joining the fight against Cheeto supremacy by writing a YA novel. And you can help, if you want, by being a beta.

The novel is an idea I’ve had for a while but held off on writing. Its protagonist is a teenage girl living with her abusive alcoholic father. She has an unexpected encounter with a monster out of Norse mythology and ends up drafted into a quest to recover Loki’s lost memories and prevent Ragnarok. The quest is complicated by her trauma, her father’s abuse, and the secret she’s never told anyone–that she is demisexual.

I’ve held off writing this book because I knew it would out me as demi to my (religious fundamentalist) family, and I treasure my relationship with my mother. But I’ve decided that it’s more important to be a voice for the next generation of queer kids, coming of age in Cheeto America. If a book like this had existed when I was 16, I wouldn’t have thought I was broken. I can’t stop my family from denying my human rights. But I can, like my protagonist, turn my wounds into beauties and use my pain to help soneone else.

I also tell a ripping good yarn; for evidence, see my AO3.

Anyway, pm me an email address to join the betas on this book, working titled “The God at the Back of the Bus”. Let’s show the fuckers what we’re made of (namely magic, caffeine, and sarcasm).



Mi-ai atins coarda inimii si mi-a vibrat tot corpul

Îmi detest stările handicapate care aparent nu au nici un sens.


[Image ID: screencap of the upcoming Rings of Power TV show, based on Tolkien’s work. The screencap is dark. It is an archer holding his bow. Below the screencap, three seperate users- one whose name is cut off, and the other two are Hokunin and La Luz Extinguido- have posted the same Tolkien quote. The quote reads “Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.” End ID]
