#the good hunter


Idea for if Marcelina’s canon ending and she meets the new good hunter. Also Marcie getting some closure about about Yamamura’s death by talking about it (yes, I ship oc x canon.)

*TGH and Marcelina having a deep talk in the workshop. It was quiet beforehand.*

Marcelina: *Hands the good hunter a locket with Yamamura’s picture.* You know, I miss my husband. Since he was taken from me, I miss him everyday. He’s what I think about when I wake up and what I’m still thinking about when I go to sleep.

Marcelina: Confuses me. How a wretched sinner like me can be given someone so perfect, so handsome to take care of. And once in my wretched life do my best. And then he dies and I live on. Well, at least for now.

Good Hunter: But I think we’re going to be ok. In the end.

Marcelina: I hope so.

Good Hunter: Made it this far.

“Good hunter, lost in the nightmare. What did you think? Of that beastly legend, those ailing ward’s of the church. I know what you did to them… It’s not your fault. The nightmare held them, and now they are free.”

Here’s hunter Yuu from a Bloodborne/Seraph crossover!

Photographer: Mika

hunter’s tools

extra-vertebrae:An older sketch, from the end of 2020; my Hunter with the Moon Presence. I might fin


An older sketch, from the end of 2020; my Hunter with the Moon Presence. I might finish this someday, it was meant to be a part of a series.

Post link

all of my bloodborne ocs done in paint
