#the her beloved consorts series

Pairing: Choi Soobin (TXT) x fem!readerGenre: Fluff/SmutContains: Hair pulling, cunnilingus, fingeri

Pairing: Choi Soobin (TXT) x fem!reader

Genre: Fluff/Smut

Contains: Hair pulling, cunnilingus, fingering, dirty talk

Word count:2694

AU: Royal AU

A/N:Part 2 of the Her Beloved Consorts series!  The stories are loosely connected by the persona of the Empress-reader and, of course, take place in the same universe.


The gown was heavy as hell, but you kept your complaints to yourself. You were the Empress after all – majority of the people who looked up to you didn’t see you as a fellow human. You could be the most powerful person in the empire but even you, or maybe especially you, were tangled in the dangerous web of politics and social connections. Anyone could turn into a spider if you weren’t careful enough, and you didn’t want to give them even the most trivial reason to attack you.

After the meeting with your vassals ended, you barely managed to escape to your private study, and now you were just standing there, letting the silence calm your restless mind. You were about to pour yourself a drink when someone knocked at the door. With a heavy sigh you forced yourself to compose your features.

“Come in,” you said leaning comfortably against your bureau.

“Your Majesty,” said the maid bowing deeply before straightening with her head still lowered in respect.

“What is it?” you asked tilting your own head slightly as you eyed her carefully.

She seemed to be a regular maid but as the Empress you could never be too careful.

“Duke Choi requests a meeting with you in the garden, Your Majesty.”

“When?” you asked softly, a small smile already appearing on your lips.

“Whenever you feel like it, Your Highness,” answered the woman keeping her eyes glued to the wooden floor.

“Thank you, you may go now.”

The maid bowed deeply once again and retreated gracefully, not even once turning her back on you.

The next meeting was scheduled for two hours from now, so it wouldn’t hurt to relax a little with your best friend. As you were heading towards the garden you couldn’t help but grin widely: even your heavy clothing couldn’t slow you down as you tried to get there as fast as humanly possible. You had to practically force yourself to walk calmly – what a scandal it’d be if someone saw you right now, the Empress, behaving in such disgraceful way.

“Stay here, and don’t let anyone enter,” you commanded your guards as you reached the front gate of your private garden.

As you headed towards the western part of the park, you looked around blissfully absorbing all the colours, sounds and smells – every step you took made you feel somehow lighter. It took you a few minutes to reach your favourite spot: a glade with a branchy willow tree. Soobin was already there, waiting for you patiently as he always did, sitting comfortably at the garden table and visibly engrossed in a book he was reading. He must have heard you, however, as he quickly put his book to the side and stood up.

“Your Majesty,” he said with a wide grin before taking a knee and bowing his head respectfully.

“Duke Choi,” you answered smiling warmly before settling comfortably on the cushioned chair that stood across the one he was sitting on.

Taking a brief look at the tabletop you immediately noticed an epergne filled with sweets and a hand-painted tea set. One of Soobin’s hobbies was brewing tea, and he deeply enjoyed sharing this passion with you. You on the other hand loved trying the tea he prepared for you.

“I missed you, Your Highness,” he said quietly as he stared at you with a soft expression on his face.

Soobin took one of your hands into his bigger one, his long fingers tangling with yours carefully as if he was afraid you were going to push him away. You smiled warmly, caressing his knuckles with your thumb in the answer which made the delicate blush appear on his cleanly shaved cheeks.

“I’m sorry, dear, I don’t have much time to spare recently,” you said apologetically before bringing his hand to your lips and placing a kiss on the back of it.

“Would you like to tell me now what were you busy with when I wasn’t around?”

His whole face brightened as Soobin started to excitedly talk about his newest projects while jokingly mocking his father, the Chancellor, who always complained about his only son’s doings. While you understood his father desire to install Soobin as his successor, what you truly wanted was for Soobin to be happy. You knew that your friend had a natural talent for gardening: no matter what kind of plant he was taking care of it always grew tall, effuse and overall beautiful. When his father told the servants to burn the garden in their mansion to the ground, you gave him your private park to manage. It was a show of your loyalty which forced Chancellor Choi to at least tolerate his son’s decisions – after all, it’d be truly moronic to stand up to the Empress herself because of such trivial matter.

“Oh, forgive me, Your Highness, I completely forgot,” he chuckled suddenly busying himself around the table.

“I prepared tea for you. It’s a new brand that I imported from the north, and I’m fairly certain you’d like it.”

You cautiously took the cup that he handed you and eyed the unusual colour of the liquid with curiosity: it was rosé gold. Its fragrance was somehow sweet and sour in the same time which surprised you greatly. You have never stumbled over such tea before.

“What do you think, Your Highness?” he asked expectantly as you took a sip from your cup.

“You know my tastes so well,” you shook your head slightly in the answer before drinking more of the warm liquid.

He only chuckled softly at that and took your hand in his once again while staring at you with that soft expression he had on his face when you came here. Soobin was your best friend since early childhood thus knowing you better than anyone else. As you two were always together, naturally people expected you two to get married someday, but then your father got assassinated, and you learnt that not long before he died he appointed you as his successor thus making you the Empress. To say that it turned your life upside down would be an understatement, truly.

“You look tired,” Soobin remarked suddenly as he toyed with one of the rings you wore.

“I’m fine, dear, all I need right now is to spend some time with you,” you smiled warmly in the answer.

“You know you can tell me everything, Your Highness, right?” he asked tilting his head slightly to the side.

You sighed placing your cup on the table-top and caressing the back of his hand mindlessly with your fingertips. Even though you trusted him with your life, you were still choosing your words carefully – a habit you couldn’t shake off no matter how hard you tried.

“Those past few days were pretty tiring, I’m not going to lie. It’s exhausting how everyone constantly expect impossible things from me, placing high demands while also demanding immediate results of my decisions. Not to mention that the council of elders repeatedly asks me about the heir and the reason why I don’t have one yet if I have this many consorts,” your tone was bitter as you rubbed the space between your brows in irritation.

“Thank God I have you. Whenever I’m with you, Soobin, I feel so much better.”

The emotions on his face were appearing and disappearing too quickly for you to understand them, so you continued, your voice suddenly filled with regret.

“But you know what’s funny? One word from you would be enough for me to give you everything I have, yet you don’t seem to want anything from me.”

Soobin chuckled quietly shaking his head. Letting go of your hands, he stood up, and hovered over you for a few seconds as if conflicted before finally falling to his knees with a soft thud. You couldn’t help but swallow thickly seeing him like that: kneeling in front of you so naturally, as if it was his rightful place.

“For a very long time the only thing I wanted was to be by your side forever, Your Majesty. I wanted to have your love, but I didn’t want to share it with anyone, no, I wanted for you to only love me,” he said in a serious tone taking both of your hands into his once again.

“But one day you became the Empress and that day I realized that I have to change my desires somehow because I’d never win against my newest and at the same time the biggest rival for your love.”

You untangled one of your hands to caress his cheek gently, your fingers trembling slightly as you silently listened to his words. You thought that you know him so well – how wrong have you been all this time.

“I don’t want your Empire to stand between us. I know you see me as a precious friend, Your Majesty.”

“But?” you asked aware that some words were left unsaid.

“But I don’t want to be just your friend, I want to be your lover. I want you to touch me, and I want to touch you, in many ways,” he breathed out bringing your hands to his lips and kissing your fingers gently.

“I constantly hear about all those things you do with your consorts, and I want you to do them to me too. I know I can please you too, Your Majesty, ” he said looking up at you from under his long eyelashes.

“I can prove myself.”

His words took you by surprise and in return it took a lot from you to act as if not affected at all. You didn’t want to admit how your core clenched seeing him like this, how his words caused your mind to wander but at the same time you wanted him so badly you were about to go crazy.

“How so?” you asked finally leaning back against the chair.

You observed silently as he carefully gathered all the layers of your hefty gown before lifting it up to your knees. Suddenly he froze halfway through the movement and flushed brightly before resting his forehead on your knee to hide his face from you.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty, I–I forgot to ask for permission first,” he murmured bashfully, the tips of his ears reddening as his fingers clasped the thick fabric tightly.

“May I please eat you out, Your Majesty?”

Your heartbeat speed up as he looked up appearing ridiculously innocent in contrast to the words that just left his pouty lips. His usually gentle brown eyes were now darkened with desire, his cheeks flushed and lips swollen slightly from biting – what an adorable yet sinful sight.

“How can I refuse when you ask so nicely,” you answered with a smile, your hand finding its way into his soft locks.

He pushed his head into your hand in the answer, as if demanding for you to pet him. Wordlessly, you motioned towards the hem of your gown with your free hand to which he swallowed visibly and looked away shyly. You had to lick your suddenly dry lips as he lifted the fabric higher, exposing your stocking-covered thighs. His fingertips caressed the material from your knee up until he reached the hem of your stocking: his hands were trembling slightly as he gradually started to unfasten the suspenders one after another. Soobin’s breathing got heavier than before as he slowly tugged on the fabric and pulled it down exposing your skin to the warm sunlight.

“Your Majesty,” he sighed rubbing his face into the exposed skin of your inner thigh.

The kiss he placed there was unimaginably tender as if he was enchanted by what just unfolded before his eyes and feared it’d disappear suddenly. The tension in the air was almost unbearable – you were barely breathing when he slowly pushed your legs apart and moved your underwear to the side. His beautiful brown eyes bored into your exposed pussy as if he wanted to remember every single detail to recapture it later.

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” he said before placing a gentle kiss on your centre.

The first sweep of his tongue made you moan softly as your fingers curled in his thick locks. The more he licked, sucked and kissed the more you tugged, pulled and yanked making him groan throatily in return. Soobin knew how to please a woman, that one you were sure of as skilfully played with your pussy making you wetter and wetter from minute to minute. Gently rubbing your clit with the tip of his nose, he slipped his tongue inside you and looked up at you.

“Fuck, Soobin,” you purred throwing your head back.

You bit your lip hard when he moved his face away slightly to lick his fingers. You couldn’t help but buck your hips violently while holding him firmly by his hair when he slipped one of his thick digits inside you. You weren’t even trying to control yourself when he added a second one: you started to straight up fuck yourself onto his fingers.

“Soobin, my love, you’re so good for me,” you choked out when he added the third digit.

“Only for you, Your Majesty,” he panted out in the answer before closing his eyes and pressing his face into your crotch.

“Please, use me for your pleasure,” he said and stuck his tongue out.

Soobin moaned softly when you started to rub your pussy against his face while he continued to finger you. It was a lot, you weren’t going to lie: his thick fingers moving in and out of your pussy, his pretty face sticky from your juices to the point where you could see how wet his eyelashes had become. You were getting close to your orgasm quite fast, and it was all because of him.

“You’re perfect, love, just perfect. Wait ‘till I get my hands on you, you won’t be able to walk for days to come,” you chuckled darkly and closed your eyes throwing your head back once again.

Now that you couldn’t see your sensitivity increased. You almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity of this situation – you, the goddamned Empress, were practically lying half–naked on the chair in your beautiful garden, rubbing your bared pussy against your best friend’s face while moaning his name in pleasure. That’s certainly not how you expected to spend this afternoon.

“Fuck, Soobin, I’m coming,” you managed to say before crying out his name as your orgasm has hit you.

Your heart was racing as if you just ran a marathon, and your whole body buzzed with pleasure as waves of an orgasm washed over you. Soobin licked your folds tentatively while still penetrating you slowly, helping you to come down from your high while your trembling fingers caressed his hair. When the oversensitivity hit you, he moved away almost reluctantly.

“That was absolutely amazing,” you sighed opening your eyes to take a look at him still kneeling between your legs.

You had to swallow hard seeing him lick his fingers very thoroughly until they were perfectly clean. Bottom half of Soobin’s face was also wet from your juices – the still vivid memory of him rubbing his face into your crotch in delight making your pussy clench.

“Did I prove myself, Your Majesty?” he asked carefully pulling your abandoned stocking up and fastening the suspenders back.

Always a good boy, your sweet Soobin.

“I believe so. You did so well, my love,” you purred before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his puffy lips.

You could taste yourself on his lips which cause you to hum contently – it felt as if you marked him in a way, as if he was completely yours now. You rested your forehead against his, not wanting to move away yet.

“Will you take me as a consort, Your Majesty?” he murmured softly rubbing his face against yours.

You couldn’t help but smile and kissed him one more time.

“It’d be my honour,” you whispered against his lips before biting his lower lip gently.

And pleasure as well.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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 Pairings: Kim Seokjin (BTS) x fem!reader, Choi Soobin (TXT) x fem!reader and more… ‘cause th

Pairings:Kim Seokjin (BTS) x fem!reader, Choi Soobin (TXT) x fem!reader and more… ‘cause this series is multifandom lads

AU: Royal AU

Summary:As the Empress, you have to create new alliances and maintain the already existing ones. And what’s a better way to do so than by taking in gorgeous consorts and making them stay by your side? Aside from the political side of those relationships, you firmly believe that it’s your duty to give every single one of them your attention. In more ways than one.

A/N: The stories are loosely connected by the persona of the Empress-reader and, of course, take place in the same universe.

Status:In progress

An Inspection (Smut) – Kim Seokjin (BTS)

I Want to Be Yours – Choi Soobin (TxT)

Copyright © 2020-2021 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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Pairing: Kim Seokjin (BTS) x fem!readerGenre: SmutContains: Pegging, dirty talk, spanking, the use o

Pairing: Kim Seokjin (BTS) x fem!reader

Genre: Smut

Contains:Pegging, dirty talk, spanking, the use of butt plug, praise kink, ass play, hand job

Word count:2545

AU: Royal AU

A/N:Part 1 of the Her Beloved Consorts series!  The stories are loosely connected by the persona of the Empress-reader and, of course, take place in the same universe.


As you waited for his arrival, you settled comfortably on the enormous wooden chair that stood behind the worktable. No wonder he had to have such sizeable seat – Seokjin was a substantial young man after all. He must’ve felt powerful sitting here, you were sure of that. Maybe even as powerful as you felt sitting on your throne.

Looking around the room briefly, you chuckled seeing how organized everything was in here: all the papers neatly arranged, even the gaps between the writing utensils were perfectly equal. There was no doubt it was Seokjin’s work space.

You heard his footsteps just before the door opened wide, and Seokjin walked in immediately taking up half of the space with his very presence, not to mention with his body.

“Your Majesty,” he said going down on one knee in front of you and bowing his head with utmost respect.

You always liked how he placed his right hand on his heart only when greeting you – a gesture reserved only for you with a deeper meaning behind it. While greeting the rest of your family, Seokjin was simply placing his left hand on his chest. An incurable romantic, that general of yours.

“General Kim,” you answered with a smile and motioned for him to stand up.

Even though you were sure he must’ve run here, he wasn’t even slightly out of breath. His well-fitted uniform emphasized his silhouette, and you were sure you wouldn’t be able to find even a single fault in it – Seokjin always looked exemplary, just like a face of your army should. His long cloak always made him appear even bigger than he already was, its colour fitting his golden complexion perfectly. You often wondered how dangerous he must seem to others: he was after all not only physically large and clearly muscled but also had that charismatic aura that made people tremble in fear in front of him. His gentle side was reserved for your eyes only.

“You must be wondering why I summoned you, general. To your own study on top of that,” you mused placing your chin on your hand.

“I admit I’m curious about the reason, but I believe it must have been an important issue, Your Majesty,” Seokjin answered with the softest of smiles.

His whole face brightened from that, and you felt your chest tighten a little at the very sight – you loved seeing him smile. Indeed, that vulnerable expression was reserved only for you, as usually his face was looking rather cold. He was a great beauty but in a chic yet cool way that was only emphasized by his straightforward personality.

“Well,” you smirked mischievously as you stood up from your seat.

A deep blush bloomed on Seokjin’s cleanly shaved cheeks, and he swallowed thickly seeing a well-known object: a thick phallus made of perfectly smooth glass was fastened to your hips with leather straps. He shifted uncomfortably trying to discreetly adjust his cock in his pants but to no avail: you could already see the outline of his length appearing on the soft fabric. Seokjin must have been aware of that fact too as he glued his stare to the floor clearly avoiding your eyes.

“If you’d be that kind, general Kim, and come here,” you gestured nonchalantly to the space next to you, deciding not to address his visibly growing problem.

Still looking down he approached you, stopping mere centimetres away from your body. The dildo brushed his thigh to which he blushed beautifully and bit his plump lower lip. No matter how many times you have already played this game, he was still shy about it.

“Aren’t you gorgeous, my love,” you said in hushed voice, looking up at him in awe.

You couldn’t help but smile lovingly as you took one of his large hands into both of your smaller ones to press a soft kiss to his knuckles. When you kissed his soft lips, Seokjin moaned your name sweetly before kissing you back. You’d never get bored with kissing him, you were sure of that. As you moved away slowly Seokjin sighed quietly, looking at you from under his long eyelashes with such raw emotions in his eyes that your breath was caught up in your throat.

“Your Majesty,” he breathed out making the tension in the room even more noticeable.

You understood the politically problematic situation you were in as the Empress: you had to take consorts to create new alliances and improve the already existing ones. People around you advised you to be indifferent towards those men, telling you that they don’t matter much but such attitude enraged you – you weren’t this kind of person. You believed that it was your duty to give every single one of them your attention, in more ways than one.

“Bend over the table,” you commanded brushing his sharp jaw line with your lips.

“Y–Your Majesty I have an inspection,” Seokjin choked out bashfully but nevertheless threw his head back to give you better access to his long neck.

“What kind of?” you asked gently pushing him towards the wooden furniture.

Before he knew it, Seokjin was already laying down on his stomach on the hard tabletop, and you were pushing his heavy cloak to the side. Your hands wandered over his clothed thighs and back, marvelling over the sturdy muscles sculptured by years of intense training.

“There–there is a unit that was making trouble recently, and I need to, no, I have to inspect it, Your Majesty,” he panted out pressing his forehead against the solid wood.

“And I have to inspect your beautiful backside, general Kim,” you shrugged with a smirk while tugging his pants down to expose said backside.

“And let me tell you, general Kim, that it’s also a matter of great importance.”

He was clearly embarrassed: the back of his neck and the tips of his ears were crimson now, and you could feel arousal coiling in your belly already. You couldn’t help but slap the back of his thick thigh slightly to which Seokjin groaned your name. Your precious general; ever so proper with the protocol, yet he was always moaning your actual name when he was losing it – just thinking about it made your pussy clench. The power you had over that man was absolutely delighting.

“You’re so good, general Kim, always ready for me,” you sighed spreading his ass cheeks to take a better look on a sizeable pink diamond sitting between them.

You liked seeing him in pink as it made his honey-like complexion stand out beautifully while emphasizing his golden brown eyes. A silver butt plug decorated with a gem definitely wasn’t a common gift for a lover, but you were never the one to settle for ordinary. It was absolutely thrilling to know that he was wearing it all this time and even more thrilling to imagine how full he must have feel because of that.

“You’re also naughty, my dear. Walking around with such a pretty thing in your tight hole, giving orders and having inspections. What’d your soldiers say to that?”

You grabbed the end of the plug and slowly pulled it out only to push it back inside and hit his prostate. Seokjin groaned, his hands grabbing the edge of the worktable tightly. You worked him open thoroughly, mindful of the fact that you were preparing him for a much bigger toy that the one you were currently using.

“I–I don’t know, Your Majesty,” he managed to choke out between taking quick and shallow breaths.

“Bet they’d love to see their general taking it in the ass from their magnificent Empress,” you chuckled as you took the plug out entirely and placed it on the side.

“Bet they’d want to take it from the Empress too,” Seokjin answered in a playful tone, even turning slightly to wink at you with that sweet smile of his.

“Well, it’s not like I’d decline their request,” you said nonchalantly positioning the tip of your glass cock in front of his entrance.

In the meantime you poured a generous amount of oil on it but just in case you spread the substance between his cheeks too. Seokjin pushed back against your fingers, as if trying to slip them inside somehow. With a scoff you slapped his ass with your clean hand and moved it to his hip.

“Are you ready, my dear?”

“For you always, Your Majesty,” he moaned softly as your cock has already started to stretch his hole.

Even though you took your time with the preparation he still felt the burn; pleasure mixed with pain in his mind. After you bottomed out, you waited patiently for him to get used to it. He was breathing heavily as you massaged his lower back soothingly with your clean hand.

“It’s–It’s fine, Your Majesty. Please, move,” Seokjin finally said in a trembling voice, his shoulders visibly tense under the fine linen shirt.

“Are you sure, love?” you asked leaning forward slightly to place a gentle kiss between his clothed shoulder blades.

That simple gesture seemed to have a calming effect on him as his muscles slowly started to relax. With a small smile you rubbed your face into the soft fabric breathing his scent in and making him sigh sweetly. It took a few more minutes for the tension to leave his body as your hands wandered over his body in a sensuous manner.

“Your Majesty,” Seokjin said in a slightly hoarse voice.

“Yes?” you asked simply as your nails gently scratched the back of his thigh.

“Fuck me, please,” he hummed changing his footing slightly to stand firmer and grabbing the edge of the table tightly.

“As you wish, general Kim.”

Your muscles were hurting a little from standing in such position for quite some time, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care at the moment. You were about to turn you precious consort into a fucking mess, so you’ll worry about the cramps later. There are priorities in life, after all.

“Good God, Your Majesty,” Seokjin yelped as you grabbed his slim hips firmly and started to pound into him unceremoniously.

“What is it, love? Didn’t you just ask me to fuck you?” you panted out slightly out of breath as the dildo moved in and out his flushed hole in a rather fast pace.

“Yes, yes, fuck, yes,” he moaned in the answer which made you smirk.

Your grunts of effort mixed with his soft whimpers, moans and occasional begs, and if you weren’t already wet, those little sounds he was making made you completely soaked. Slowing down just a little you reached around to curl the fingers of your oil-slicked hand around his shaft.

“Oh, Your Majesty, you’re making me feel so good,” he groaned pushing back against you.

“Aren’t I always?” you chuckled in the answer as your hand started to move slowly up and down his swollen shaft.

“Your cock must be so pretty right now, general Kim. Curious what’d your subordinates said if they walked into is like that,” you mused thumbing his sensitive slit.

“They–They’d probably think that I look–that I look gorgeous, Your Majesty,” he moaned out spreading his legs wider for you.

“And they wouldn’t be wrong. After all, I don’t fuck with just anyone, I take only the best,” you purred snapping your hips into his while speeding up the tempo of the movement of your hand.

You knew very well how he liked for his cock to be played with: your grip firm yet not too tight, your strokes flowing, a little twist of wrist from time to time around the swollen head – it all made him go nuts. Feeling your hands all over his body, your sweet perfume filling his nose, your soft body pressed flush against his – he loved it, he loved you.

“Lean against me,” you murmured burring your cock as deep as you could, making him moan loudly in the answer – you must have struck his prostate.

Seokjin stood up slowly, his legs trembling ever so slightly as he obediently followed your command. Pressing your face into his muscled back you didn’t waste time and cupped his balls with your free hand. He was moaning your name sweetly along with pleas and praises as you worked on bringing him to his orgasm with both of your hands. While you fondled his sack carefully, he fucked your tightly clenched hand as fast as he could without hurting himself in the process.

“I’m–I’m coming, Your Majesty,” he cried out just before white ropes of cum shot out from his slit, sticky substance covering the table-top and some papers that laid on it.

You stroked his cock until he pleaded for you to stop. To be honest you wanted to push him further than that, but you had to stop yourself – Seokjin was a busy man after all. That little swing you just pulled was risky enough, and you were quite surprised that none came for him yet. You suspected that everyone already knew what’s going on and simply decided to pretend that they, in fact, didn’t have the faintest idea. As much as you wanted to fuck him up, you couldn’t do so in the middle of the day when he still had work to do.

“How are you feeling, love?” you asked carefully withdrawing the dildo before swiftly unbuckling the leather straps and putting it aside.

“A little dizzy,” Seokjin murmured quietly before turning towards you and hugging you tightly.

“Please, give me a moment, Your Majesty.”

You simply hugged him back in the answer, not caring about anything else beside his warm embrace. When he finally moved away, you were about to help him put his pants back, but a mischievous idea sparked in your mind.

“If you’d be that kind and bend over for me for a second, love,” you said sweetly motioning towards the chair that stood next to him.

When he did so, you crouched and carefully spread his cheeks to take a look at his flushed hole. As it was still covered in oil, you had no problem with slipping the butt plug back inside him. He let out a breathy moan when it entered him but, sadly, you didn’t have time to play with him some more. Instead, you stood up, pulled his pants up and took a step back.

“Off to go,” you said slapping him ass briefly.

“T–Thank you, Your Majesty,” he said in a strangled voice before straightening up and smartening himself up.

“I’ll take my leave then. Duty calls, after all.”

You couldn’t help but smirk – his way of walking was a little stiff, and it made you weirdly proud to know that it was all because of your doings. You briefly looked at his worktable and chuckled to yourself – someone would have to clean this mess. There was no way the whole palace wouldn’t know what happened here at the end of the day.

“Think about me,” you called after him in a clearly amused voice.

“There’s no doubt I’ll, Your Majesty,” he murmured bashfully in the answer before leaving the room.

That’s exactly what you were hoping for.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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