#the hymn of winter



The Hymn of Winter is a free to play interactive novel that’s set within the world of ASoIF (Game of Thrones). With the premise being centered around a simple question; what if the wall had fallen before?

Winter is here…

The Wall…

A marvel of construction that many don’t know the true origins of— besides what is written in legend— and the true purpose having been lost to time.

You were among the few chosen to guard it— the Night’s Watch— a task that you were never sure how to respond to; as you weren’t quite sure if the Wall needed any guarding to begin with.

That is until you step out beyond it. Until you come face-to-face with chilling blue eyes that you know, with complete certainty, that you weren’t there to guard the wall; you were there to guard Westeros and be the first line of defense against the monstrosities that lay beyond.

You were the siren that would kick Westeros into action.

You just hope that everyone will be prepared when Winter arrives.

  • This story is 18+ (as it is based off of GoT) for alcohol consumption, profanity, violence, gore, mentions of torture, sexual themes, and mentions of incest (again GoT).
  • THoW is set centuries before the GoT as you know it. So, don’t expect to come across any characters you may be familiar with. Though you may see characters with similar names.
  • Customizable MC: name, nickname, gender, sexuality, fighting style, and a smattering of other things.
  • Find, and rescue, a lost direwolf that will soon become a companion you never knew that you needed. A creature that history had also forgotten about.
  • Romance 1 of 5 possible choices (some from your favorite houses); as everyone deserves to find love. Especially when they think they’re not going to live past the coming year.
  • Sharpen your skills as you prepare for what is coming. Don’t let yourself forget about the incoming threat.
  • Demo TBA

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