#the idiot

 Soigne ta droite (1987) by Jean-Luc Godard Book title: The Idiot (Идиот in Russian) by Fëdor Dostoe

Soigne ta droite (1987) by Jean-Luc Godard

Book title:The Idiot (Идиотin Russian) by Fëdor Dostoevskij

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Why was it fun for us to make each other suffer? Did that mean it wasn’t love? Surely that wasn’t what love was?

The Idiot, Elif Batuman


The feeling of having betrayed someone was just as bad as the feeling of being betrayed. It was worse.

The Idiot, Elif Batuman


“You’ve got it really bad,” Bill informed me. “Your whole expression changes when you look at him. You look scared to death.”

The Idiot, Elif Batuman


I felt dizzy from the sense of intimacy and remoteness. Everything he said came from so thoroughly outside myself. I wouldn’t have been able to invent or guess any of it. He had told me a dream. He had typed: I know you will cheat on me. He said he would forgive me, twice. I hadn’t done anything against him, but the thought that I had, or would, was somehow exciting. I wanted to write back right away, but he had waited a whole day, so I knew I had to wait at least that long.

The Idiot, Elif Batuman


“It was hard to decide on a literature course. Everything the professors said seemed to be somehow beside the point. You wanted to know why Anna had to die, and instead they told you that 19th century Russian landowners felt conflicted about whether they were really a part of Europe. The implication was that it was somehow naive to want to talk about anything interesting, or to think that you would ever know anything important.”

— Elif Batuman, The Idiot


“Ivan wanted to try an experiment, a game. It would never have worked with someone different, on someone like me. But you, you’re so disconnected from truth, you were so ready to jump into a reality the two of you made up, just through language. Naturally, it made him want to see how far he could go. You went further and further—and then something went wrong. It couldn’t continue in the same way. It had to develop into something else—into sex, or something else. But for some reason, it didn’t. The experiment didn’t work. But by now you’re so, so far from all the landmarks. You’re just drifting in space.”

The Idiot, Elif Batuman

Photo by Dee Lippingwell, 1977 - The Idiot tour.

Thoughts on: The Idiot

Thoughts on: The Idiot

“It wasn’t the New World that mattered…Columbus died almost without seeing it; and not really knowing what he had discovered. It’s life that matters, nothing but life — the process of discovering, the everlasting and perpetual process, not the discovery itself, at all.”

The Idiot is one of Dostoyevsky’s most tragic novels I’ve read so far. While in Crime and Punishment we observe the…

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― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Idiot

[text ID: Don’t let us forget that the causes of human actions are usually immeasurably more complex and varied than our subsequent explanations of them.]

Notes from Underground Style: Fyodor Dostoevsky’s appearance, mainly his majestic beard, resem

Notes from Underground Style:

Fyodor Dostoevsky’s appearance, mainly his majestic beard, resembles both the title character of his novel, The Idiot, as well as Nietzsche’s prophet who exclaimed that God was dead. It comes before its time to a world that was neither ready nor justified in acknowledging the difficult truths it poses.

Also, his coat is worn a bit loosely, just like the moral tendencies of the Brothers Karamazov.

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THE IDIOT (1951). Akira Kurosawa directs an adaptation of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel starring Setsuk

THE IDIOT (1951). Akira Kurosawa directs an adaptation of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel starring Setsuko Hara and Toshirô Mifune.

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“With you, there’s more instability and tension because I know you’re making up a story too, and in your story I’m just a character”

- Batumann’s The Idiot (p. 367)

― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Idiot

[text ID: Don’t let us forget that the causes of human actions are usually immeasurably more complex and varied than our subsequent explanations of them.]

speakingparts:Au hasard Balthazar Robert Bresson 196642 images of hands via PilgrimAkimbo ’Au speakingparts:Au hasard Balthazar Robert Bresson 196642 images of hands via PilgrimAkimbo ’Au speakingparts:Au hasard Balthazar Robert Bresson 196642 images of hands via PilgrimAkimbo ’Au speakingparts:Au hasard Balthazar Robert Bresson 196642 images of hands via PilgrimAkimbo ’Au speakingparts:Au hasard Balthazar Robert Bresson 196642 images of hands via PilgrimAkimbo ’Au speakingparts:Au hasard Balthazar Robert Bresson 196642 images of hands via PilgrimAkimbo ’Au speakingparts:Au hasard Balthazar Robert Bresson 196642 images of hands via PilgrimAkimbo ’Au speakingparts:Au hasard Balthazar Robert Bresson 196642 images of hands via PilgrimAkimbo ’Au


Au hasard Balthazar

Robert Bresson 1966

42 images of hands via PilgrimAkimbo

Au hasard Balthazar remains for me the most precious of all cinematic jewels. No other film has ever made my heart and my head spin like this one


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